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more cutscene questions


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ok, after getting really happy, that i made the camera do all this junk, you know... 1st 'good' cutscnene. Heres what i want, the NPC kyle to have a saber instead of blaster, 1st i want it off... then when the camera comes back to him, i want him to turn it on... how could i do that? I dont have a clue...





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You make my life interesting. :D


First put an Affect and make it affect however you called your NPC (was it kyle1?)


Now put a set inside the Affect and make it SET_WEAPON press re-evaluate and choose WP_SABER from the new list.


Put another Set and make it SET_SABERACTIVE and choose false.


After the camera got back to him, do the same thing, but choose true.

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ok, i got that, now im trying to get him to talk...


heres what i put:




affect ( "kylestart", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABERACTIVE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );


task ( "kylestart" )


sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kyle/13kyk003.mp3" );






Its not the whole script, only the part where the saber turns on, and when he is supposed to talk... but he wont talk.. the saber comes on, then hes supposed to say "stormtroopers" but he just stands there...And im sure i got the file right.


thanks!!! :D


You make my life interesting. :D



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ok, heres whats happend now... i got it too play, but then my animations wouldnt run, then i got the animations to work, but the sound wouldnt play :confused:




Heres the full script:







affect ( "kylestart", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )



set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABERACTIVE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" );



camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam1", ORIGIN)$, 0 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam1", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );

wait ( 4000.000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam2", ORIGIN)$, 5000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam2", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000 );

wait ( 7000.000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam6", ORIGIN)$, 5000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam6", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000 );

wait ( 6000.000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam3", ORIGIN)$, 5000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam3", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000 );

wait ( 6000.000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam4", ORIGIN)$, 5000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam4", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 5000 );

wait ( 6000.000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ ZOOM, 35.000, 3000 );

wait ( 5000.000 );


affect ( "kylestart", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SABERACTIVE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANIM_HOLDTIME_BOTH", 1000 );

wait ( 100.000 );


task ( "sabertalking" )


sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kyle/13kyk003.mp3" );

dowait ( "sabertalking" );

wait ( 300.000 );





camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam5", ORIGIN)$, 0 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam5", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0 );

wait ( 4000.000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ MOVE, $tag( "cam7", ORIGIN)$, 4000 );

camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PAN, $tag( "cam7", ANGLES)$, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 4000 );

wait ( 5000.000 );


remove ( "kylestart" );


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task ( "sabertalking" )
sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE, "sound/chars/kyle/13kyk003.mp3" );
dowait ( "sabertalking" );
wait ( 300.000 );


Hehe, that's just wrong.


You've putted the dowait inside the task. Get it out of there.


PS: I made it PHP because it got lots of pretty colors.

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Well, it took a while, but i finally got it all right!!! *deep breath* im almost done i think...


i know, camera commands, animations, how to choose weapons and stuff, and talking. Im ganna post one more thread to hopefully finish it all off, at least, i hope. THANKS MAN!!! youve done a lot so far!! Heh, ill mention you in my readme, even though this is a test map, when i make a real SP map, your name will be in the readme!!

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