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Thinking of buying:Performance questions?


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Ok im thinking on getting SWG, now i have a few questions on how my comp will perform.

Ok here are my specs

900 mhz amd athlon

386 mb sdram

ti 4200 128 md ge force 4


And also how well will my modem do. I know it says you can play with a modem, but that doesnt meen you can play well without a ton of lag. I usually conect at 40,000 bps-45,000bps

These are just a few questions i have.

Thanks in advance for your responce

Kaos :lsduel:

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Yeah you might lag alot and your comp may slow down due to the running pressure on your CPU. Try to not have anything else running when you are playing the game. Also i nthe near future i suggest buying a new motherboard and cpu(unless you know how to just install the CPU) and installing it cauz well everything from here on out is gunna require alot more than what you have.

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900 mhz amd athlon

386 mb sdram

ti 4200 128 md ge force 4


That is very much border line, even if you dropped all of your settings to minimum as soon as you're in cities or in a large group then you're going to see some very poor framerates, the CPU is indeed the issue here and I can't see why you have a Ti4200 in there anyway since it's not being fully used by that old processor. Also if you have a WinXP system then you're pretty much screwed as that OS uses around 129-256mb of system ram for its own operations. That is before it thinks about sharing resources with SWG which on a system like that means it's only being left with around 128-256mb which isn't enough by a long shot.

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Its win ME :(

and yes i know how to install i prossesor, i just gatta get the money :D

one other ? how do you talk your mom into letting you buy it and pay the monthly bill with MY money?? cuz everytime i ask to buy it she yells at me and says its a waste of money and no use... So some sugestions in that area to plz

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Kyle, it's Dirty. We need to step up shop here. If one or two more of the guys start posting we should just make a misfit thread.


As for your question:


Your going to lag like a mofo. Look at my post on the thread. I had a 1.8 Gig processor, 256DDR ram, a GF4 64 video card, and a cable connection and it ran so baddly I couldn't play.


Tell your mom it looks like she has lost weight and that her hair looks great and see if you can weasle a 1.5 Gig+ processor and another 512 ram out of her, lol. I just upgraded to a GF4 128, and 768 DDR ram and it runs great now. I still can't turn the grafix or terrain setting up all the way though.


Also, I'm on Eclipse, on Corellia, in Coronet if you do decide to give ti a try. let me know if you get on either here or on the D2 forems.



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tell her u are performing an experiment or writing a paper on:

the real world vs. the fantasy world

u could include:

1. addiction

2. personalities

3. comparison to crack heads

4. include all those diehard korean ppl that go 2 weeks without sleep and end up dying...


its like a psychological experiment.

i wrote an english paper on video game addiction....evercrack was in it lol.

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Hey well as im shure you have read here and in the d2 forums... Im having trouble getting my mom to give in to the 15 dollar a month fee(She even thinks its 12... i didnt tell her you had to pay for a years worth to get it to that) So getting more upgrades is the least of my worries... I get in about 2 fights a day with her about this... i bring it up and we get in a yelling match about how its my money...then she says she doesnt care that she has control over how i spend it ne ways.. then i tell her that im gana out and spend it on a tounge ring insteda a game...and she goes off on me for that, then she says that life isnt a game and you have resposibilties and you can go blowing you money on stupid **** like this, then i say well so im not supposed to enjoy myself ever??? Then she goes into the shpeil (SP?) about how i cost her monthly for the extra phone line and internet anyways, and then she only kept the jet ski for me(When she rides it just as much as me) Then i tell her well then get rid of the damn thing i dont care, its my money and i should be able to do what i want with it...

Then we dont talk for about 5 hours. So right know that is my biggest prob. But on your lagging prob that would have alot to do with your vid card, all i would really need to upgrade is my proccesor. But i gatta get the game b4 i worry about that. I just wish there was same way to get the game and not have to use her credit card and then she just wouldnt have to know i was paying for it. You know how in the d2 forums i said sometimes i wana kick my parents in the head... well this is wana those times.

Yeah we should start a misfit thread here... I dont know how much i would post..Since well i dont know i will be able to get the game but, it would be cool and if needed i could start the new ones ever time.

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