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Oh, Canada.

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I know this place is "Little USofA" right now, but this is just to give a little competition to the inevitable multi-page Nute-rant that will be the Independence Day thread.


July 1st. Canada Day. 136 years. Yay.


Let's hear it for those lines on a map that make one place inherently better than any other place. Give it up for the governmentally-imposed cultural standards. Cheer for the replacement of foreign trade goods with substandard governmentally-endorsed knockoffs. Woohoo.


As usual, 'nothin to do in Ottawa if you're a non-drinker and single.



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There's nothin' to do anywhere if you're a non-drinker and single... :p


But on a serious note, I just watched a special on the Canadian flag... Just one more reason why I've never liked John Diefenbaker. :D


*looks up at the Canadian flag on the wall over his desk*

What a damn nice flag...

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Happy Canada Day!


I can see Americans have boycotted this thread just like they did for our beef :D


Three cheers for our sublime nature and deep concern for the environment!


Hooray for Beaver Tails!


And big applauses and cheers for Ontario`s Smoking free policy! Now it would be great if the remaining provinces (especially Quebec) and territories follow this brilliant move (Yes, you`ve gessed it, I hate smokes...)


The "Ottawa - Being Single - Non Drinker" combo dullness is sooooooooo true. DULL!


Hey , FB, You`ve finished your last year in UofO right? What`s next?

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We're not through yet.


I still have one more course to take. Yes, just one, 'cause of the "undefined credits" I got from transferring in from another school.


I'm just taking Summer off to actually do some writing (and maybe, possibly, do something about that "single" thing) --I'll be back in September to finish up and graduate in December. Afterwards, I honestly don't know.


I am planning to stay in town (it's either that or move back to Cornwall, with its one music store, one bookstore, and population of 87% senior citizens), though I am looking for a new apartment. This place was a steal when I moved in, but the rent has steadily increased into the "might as well be buying a house" level.

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I remember you were glad when you were moving in your apartement... Where is it and is it at least better than Rez?

I for one have had enough of Rez and the weird Roomate who comes from a farm town, knows nothing of city, thinks that Ottawa is HUGE and looks as if he plots to stab me whilst I sleep...

I got an cool spacious apartement over at Sandy Hill, I`m pretty sure it`s gonna be cool (It better be for what I`m paying...)


BTW, you should tag along with my friends and I when we go Devil-Witch Hunting (i.e. Woman Hunting...). Sometimes we come back empty handed but... ok, we often come empty handed but it`s all goo... ok, ok we always come empty handed... but we have fun... of each other :D


And my prejudice one woman being evil doesn`t help either :p


I would ask of you only one thing, don`t scare the woman away with pick up lines such as "So, do you also think that Saw Boss would have been an excellent Decepticon?"

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Afterwards, I honestly don't know.


Move to the US.


You'll fit in with the 10 million college graduates that have no idea what they're doing after college. Plus our television is a million times better.


Also, "but we have fun... of each other" is remarkably homoerotic sounding.

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Originally posted by Jem

I remember you were glad when you were moving in your apartement... Where is it and is it at least better than Rez?

It's over between Elgin and Bank. A fair walk, but doable. Nice place, roomy, air-conditioned, built-in laundry, a balcony (which is currently housing a small army of giant bird-eating spiders :eek: ). It also has a pool that I never use (not much of a paddle-around-pointlessly-for-a-while kinda guy).


I for one have had enough of Rez and the weird Roomate who comes from a farm town, knows nothing of city, thinks that Ottawa is HUGE and looks as if he plots to stab me whilst I sleep...
Heh. I should post an excerpt from a story I just finished. . .


BTW, you should tag along with my friends and I when we go Devil-Witch Hunting (i.e. Woman Hunting...). Sometimes we come back empty handed but... ok, we often come empty handed but it`s all goo... ok, ok we always come empty handed...
Jem, a target has already been sighted and is being engaged to the best of my ability (she's out of town a lot, visiting family). An incredibly kawaii blonde English Major, who is possibly the closest I will ever find to a real-life animé girl.


She even does this when she smiles. ----> ^_^


If I could convince her to wear a barette with cat-ears on it. . .




Originally posted by Nute Gunray

Plus our television is a million times better.

I'm considering going south if only because I'll have access to Cartoon Network and never have to put up with Angela Anaconda or What's With Andy ever again.
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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

Also, "but we have fun... of each other" is remarkably homoerotic sounding.


Not as bad as:

Originally posted by Jem

ok, we often come empty handed but it`s all goo... ok, ok we always come empty handed...

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It's worse.


ANGELA ANACONDA follows eight-year-old Angela as she plots revenge on her arch-nemesis Nanette Manoir. The offbeat, highly original 2D cut-and-paste style animated children's series is produced by Toronto's DECODE Entertainment in co-production with C.O.R.E. Digital Pictures.





Behold: Canadian children's television ('cause cartoons = for children) :disaprove

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my, my... such sick and primitive minds dwell this forum. :evanpiel:


I said "fun OF each other" not "fun with each other"...


It reminds of something I heard, I can`t remember where:


_Number one, we do this and number two...

_Hihi.. giggles...


_You said number two, hihi...

_I also said number one...

_giggles.. I know, hihi...





I think ^_^ rules, does she also do this: ¬_¬ ??


Good luck man. And if you get her to use cat ears I will personally stab you because of the injustice ;)

Maybe you can also get her to cook for you so you can bring your lovely and colourful food decorated bento (lunch box) to university everyday. With chop sticks.


When we go out girls aren`t our goal, we just go out to go out and kill the boredom. So I`m sure you`re better off with ^_^.

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Originally posted by Jem

my, my... such sick and primitive minds dwell this forum.

And you're right here with us. ;)


I think ^_^ rules, does she also do this: ¬_¬ ??
Not often, but there's a fair bit of *_* and 9_9.


For some utterly inexplicable reason, she seems to think I'm cool. As in "impressive cool," not just "okay cool." She actually seems interested in what I do.


She also has some self-confidence/shyness issues (you know what they say about the quiet ones ;) ), so when I shower her with (fully genuine) compliments, she goes all *^_^*


I just hope I'm reading the situation right and the boyfriend from over a year ago is gone (she described her birthday plans a while back, and if he is still around, he's not much of a boyfriend if he won't even take her out to dinner on her B-day).


Good luck man. And if you get her to use cat ears I will personally stab you because of the injustice ;)
She's more of a horror fan, actually, so I'm currently trying to slowly get her into F/SF and animé (among other things I'm trying to get her into :dozey: ).


If I could get my talons on a copy of Vampire Hunter D or Helsing, I'd be set.

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