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How do you make a delivery?


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OK, here's the scenario:


A female NPC sent me on a mission to pick up "something" from another NPC out in the middle nowhere. I finally track him down, and can't initiate a conversation, because my only option is to attack him. I eventually decide to kill him, and manage to loot what I can only assume was the goal package. I head back to the female (as directed by a waypoint), and can't figure out how to hand off the item? Anyone know how this is done?


Same question might apply to a mission I was gonna do on checking up on tennants for another NPC... do I go and talk to them and then report back, or am I supposed to kill the NPC's tenants (mean landlord!!!) Not an issue yet, but maybe somebody will have some helpfull advice!



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All delivery missions I have done they give you the "package" during conversation. I don't even think it shows up in your inventory. Then it's taken away when you talk to the person you are supposed to. I think it's just a "flagged" varible and not an actual item you can hand off but I'm a newb so don't take that as gospil.

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