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Help me come up with a name


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Well Im new to the whole RPG thing, and I really need a cool name for my character.

Im probably going to be Trando, Marksman/architect, and maybe eventually a bounty hunter.

Everything I come up with is dumb, or sounds too clicheish.




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Difficult really , personally Chindi is my nickname amongst my friends , so that was a no-brainer.


The Demos bit...well i couldn't think of a surname for my character , so i looked around me and saw a load of free disks from pc mags...or demo discs...with Demos on them. Best i could come up with at the time heh heh.



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This isn't really related but I was out running around in the wilderness the other day with no one else around. Then out of the blue a guy runs by and the name sticks because my son's first name is Justin as well. I blew it off for a second then kept running it through my head until it finally hit me. His Full name was:


Justin Credible


Yea, I know but it struck me as hilarious but then again I had been up for 15 straight hours at that point :dozey:

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Originally posted by Dark_Fett

Well Im new to the whole RPG thing, and I really need a cool name for my character.

Im probably going to be Trando, Marksman/architect, and maybe eventually a bounty hunter.

Everything I come up with is dumb, or sounds too clicheish.





Hmmmmmmm.........Drando Dark...........Dando......Trando Dando.......Mike........Nando Dark........Odran Drake..........Drakdo McCloud............marats..........Phil Colins..........."Reaper"(ahahahhahahah).........Rando Dark.......Hmmmmmm thats all i got.........(Note most of this rymes with Trando And some Come frome the word marksman..... Me personaly i think Rando Dark is a good one.........)

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