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jediknight2 ---- stuck on level 2 puzzle


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That part is Kejim_Base, here is a walkthrough for that part.


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Hop in the turret,

turn around and shoot the door, blowing it open. Follow Jan on to the

lift inside. You will pass a checkpoint, and the lift begins to move





The Blue Section


You are now in the "blue section" of the base (it's not apparent

at this point, but it's easier to wade through this guide if it's

somewhat sectioned off) Once at the door at the bottom, you will

instruct Jan to wait and cover your back. Make sure to notice the

lights on the door. They are green, which means the door is (usually)

open. Locked doors will have two red lights on them. I said "usually"

open because in this case, you have to press the button next to it, and

it will open. Inside is a long hallway with a green-light door to your

immediate right, a security room with a window to your left, and a

stormtrooper at the end. Once you move forward to kill the trooper,

five more will emerge from the door on the right. Jan will come through

and help you kill them. Once done, go into the cargo bay they came

from. Explore around the crates and you will find a belt of thermal

detonators and some batteries. Look at the container sitting over a

grate on the floor...learn to recognize those, because they explode

when you shoot them, often offering goodies or a hidden passage. Drop

through the broken grate and walk up the small set of stairs in this

dark room. Proceed around the corner to the right and walk to the end

of the long hallway. (you will see a door on the left, which only

leads you underneath the lift you took to get down). At the end of the

hallway is a large machine of some kind. You have to blow it up, but

be careful. It doesn't take many shots, but it will release a large

ball of fire that shoots back all the way to the end of the hallway.

Either shoot it while you're still at the end and just hide around the

corner, or get closer to it and use the door that leads under the large

lift. Once the machine is destroyed, walk all the way around it and

you will see a computer console and a small lift. Ride it up into a

VERY dark room. In this room you will see a grate on the floor. Shoot

it and drop through to get to the security room you saw when you first

came down into the base. Kill the officer, grab his supply key and

then look at the window to your right. You will see a row of buttons,

1 blue and 3 red. Push all the red buttons so that they are blue,

this opens a bunch of doors. Jan, who was waiting by the entrance door,

will now be able to come and join you in the room. She fiddles with

the computer, unlocks some more stuff, and tells you she's going to

hang around there to cause more trouble =).


Go to the shelf to her right, and pick up some blaster ammo.

Now, exit the room. You will encounter an officer and four troopers.

After dispatching them, go through the door

they came from. You will be in a room with two green light doors, one

on the left and one on the right. Let's go to the right first. Follow

the passage and you will see another cargo bay to the left with a whole

load of troopers, and a door on the right that leads to the original

cargo bay where you dropped through the floor. No need to go back in

there for now. Wipe out the troopers in the new bay, and find the

first security crate. These are the crates i mentioned that can be

opened with supply keys. Look at the small console side, press the

use button and it will open, giving you the light amplification goggles.

Grab them, and then move to the corner of the bay where there is a large

lift. Push the button and ride it down...you will notice the the room

is pitch black, how handy that you just found the goggles! Turn them on

(default key is numberpad left) and explore the room. Jan radios you

and mentions that the base is divided into 3 sections...important info

for later. In the room behind some of the crates you will find a secret

area with two shelves containing an instant use healthkit and blaster

ammo. Turn around and go to the right, around more crates and you will

see a dimly lit small maintenance door. Crouch, walk through it and go

into a room with four troopers and an officer. Kill them, grab his

supply key and head over to the control panel. You will comment that

the blue symbol looks like an imperial code, and you receive a message

that your objectives have been updated. Check them and you will see

instructions to input the code at the "main array". You'll encounter

this later. Look to at the rest of the console and you will see a map

of the base, conveniently colored in red blue and green. Notice that

there is a blue button lit up, and the blue section of the map is lit

as well. Push the other two buttons, and see the red and green part

of the base light up too. You can now access more of the base.


Take the door out of this room and you will find a forcefield

with a button next to it. Push the button to let down the forcefield,

and then climb up the stairs. At the top of the stairs you'll need to

kill two troopers. Just to get your bearings, walk through the

green-light door in front of you to see the cargo area with the lift.

Now, standing at the top of the stairs, facing the door to the bay, go

left. Along this hallway you will find three troopers. After killing

them, go over to the shelf next to the thin window that looks out on a

few suspended walkways. Pick up the healthkit and blaster ammo, then

continue down the hallway. You will encounter one trooper at the end,

and then be able to see the main array. Make another mental note and

study this area. Remember how Jan said the base was in 3 different

parts, and you just unlocked the green and red areas? Well, look at

the symbols above the doorways on each plank. Blue, Red, and Green.

Coincidence? heh. Now move toward the main array. You will see that

there is a screen for the three colored icons. If you try to press

anything, Kyle comments that it is offline. That's ok, you need to

get the green and red codes first anyway. Go into the GREEN section

from here.



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