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When you installed the new ram, you didn't by chance feel a slight tingling senstation in your fingertips when you picked up the stick, did you? :)



For troubleshooting, the following steps should help you determine what is wrong:

1. Remove the new stick of ram.

2. Reboot the computer.

3. Attempt to start the game.

4. Take note of the results (success/failure). (You probably already know this is successful, but do it anyway just to establish a "base line". You never know...*something* else may have changed, and that would rule out a memory issue.)

5. Shut down computer.

6. Place new stick of ram in computer.

7. Reboot computer.

8. Attempt to start game.

9. Take note of results (success/failure).


If #4 was successful, but #9 was not:

1. Remove the stick of ram that you KNOW works, and set it aside (PLEASE remember which one it is, haha).

2. Place the new stick of ram in the old memory slot and reboot the computer.

3. Attempt to start the game.

4. Take note of results (success/failure).

5. Shut down computer

6. Place "old" stick of ram in the remaining memory slot.

7. Reboot computer.

8. Attempt to start game.

9. Take note of results (success/failure).


If #4 is successful, but #9 is not, then the problem is not with your new stick of memory. The problem is one of two things:

a) The "port" where your placing the new memory is bad on your motherboard.




b) There is "dust" or "lint" buildup in the secondary port. The memory will still "seat" correctly, making you think it's OK, but on closer inspection, you'll see a large dust buildup. Remove the dust and try again.


If neither #4 or #9 above is successful, then you probably have a bad stick of ram and need to exchange it.


Haha, I know that seems a little anal, but I develop software for a living, so my troubleshooting tends to be highly methodical :)

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