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Altering Weapon Physics....


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I was wondering if there was a fairly easy way to alter the physics of a grenade (thermal detonator, i guess its called) in JK2 so that takes longer to explode and how much it bounces. If this type of question has been answered before, I am sorry. I have looked around many sites, and found nothing even remotely close to this.



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im asuming u have the code base (sdk)


1: go in gamedata/code/game/


2: find g_weapon.c


3: open it with notepad (or your compiler)


4: find

#define TD_TIME 3000//6000

#define TD_ALT_TIME 3000

and change it to whatever suit u, (3000 = 3secs)


Note, there another TD_ALT_TIME just below :rolleyes:

just comment it ... (by putting // at the start of the line)


5: next, find

gentity_t *WP_FireThermalDetonator( gentity_t *ent, qboolean altFire )

in that function locate

bolt->bounceCount = -5;

i presume that means bounce 5 times (y the negative value?)

change it to whatever suit u


6: save the file (duh :p)


7: in that same directory, run game.bat


8.: once the batch script done,

open pakscape.exe (in your gamedata dir usaly)

create a new pk3 with a vm folder

the batch script produced a file jk2mpgame.qvm

in gamedata/code/base/vm

place that file in the pk3 vm folder


9.: save the pk3 in a new folder in your gamedata dir

example gamedata/Eskimo/

and the file name Eskimo.pk3 (not sure of this, but to b safe)


10.: enjoy :D


wanna learn C ? try this

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