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the finger


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this topic is about the middle finger, which is according to guybrush "the most communicative of fingers". i'm very bored, so don't be surprised, but what term do you use? flippin someone off, or flickin someone off? cause i've heard it both ways, but some people say flickin people off is right, but others say flippin people off is right. i dunno. just a little thought i had right now.:rolleyes: (hey, i actually had a thought!!!)

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Well "giving the finger" sounds ok enough.

But 'Flipping' does sound correct. Your doing more 'flipping' of the finger than you are 'flicking'. Your not accually flicking the person right. However your not really flipping them either... hmmm...


(2800th post, and for some reason this number seems important... 2800, or maybe as in 2.8Ghz? hmm familiar..)

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