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Comments from Doug -


"I went to a Dairy Queen and considered ordering buffalo wings. I asked the lady at the counter if their version of buffalo wings were any good. She answered, 'I don't know, I'm a vegetarian.'



I asked, ‘Are you a vegetarian for health reasons or moral reasons?’



‘Moral. I don’t eat anything with a nervous system, vertebrae and two legs.’



Then I came back with my usual question I ask of moral vegetarians; ‘Are you also “Pro-Choice” and “Anti-Death Penalty”?'



‘Of course.’, She said.



Realize I’ve had this conversation with just about every vegetarian I've met. Nine out of ten times the conversation goes as above. Then I further the conversation with this challenge, ‘Why do you afford more rights and respect to a chicken with a nervous system, vertebrae and two legs than to an unborn human with a nervous system, vertebrae and two legs?’



Then they always pull out their trump card, ‘Because it’s wrong to make a victim of rape or incest bring her fetus to full term.’



For the sake of argument, I’ll give them that one. ‘But what about the other ninety-eight percent of the abortions that are for reasons other than rape or incest? Will you give those unborn, uh… fetus… the same respect as you do a chicken?’



She answered, ‘Here’s your buffalo wings’.



I went back to my table and ate the buffalo wings. Then I cried for the 5,000 people who TODAY will be dismembered with a pair of tongs and a hose because they have no more rights than the piece of chicken I’m eating. At least there’s hope in sight- Somewhere, someone is lobbying to save that chicken...and that's why I'm a Republican."


Doug TenNapel







Talk amongst yourselves. Say things. Be witty. Your parents love you.

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What the @#$% is this, Ricky Lake?


On a side note, anyone in the DFW area (1607 W. Alemida Drive, by the big D Square specifically), come visit Setion's Abortion Clinic and Pizzeria!


"Your loss is our sauce."

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Originally posted by Lagomorph

That had a bit of a morbid twist... it kinda made me feel all fuzzy inside... :D


I hope now you've learned to stop eating bunnies with the skin on.


Anyway, I have a bad tendency to laugh at people who contradict themselves like that, even when it's a crying shame. I live with omniverous monsters, by the way.

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