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Yet another NPC question


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I classed a Jawa model as an ImperialJawa NPC type (need him to drop a key when killed). He doesn't act anything like an Imperial, though. As soon as I enter the room he throws his hands up in surrender. If he kill him, he does indeed drop the key, but it's not exaclty in the spirit of the Jedi to have to kill a surrendered prisoner in cold blood in order to get the key. I'd like him to fight. Any ideas?


Here's the config for him:




playerModel imperialjawa

surfOn torso_pauldron_off

surfOff "torso_armor_neck_augment torso_body_neck_augment"

health 60

headPitchRangeDown 30

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

rank ensign

scale 110

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race klingon

class imperial

scale 55

walkSpeed 51

runSpeed 200

snd jawa

sndcombat jawa

sndextra jawa

yawspeed 110

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

dismemberProbHead 100

dismemberProbArms 100

dismemberProbLegs 100

dismemberProbHands 100

dismemberProbWaist 100


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