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Level 4 - In The Monestary

Guest rsprou

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I've gotten to the point where I've made it to the bottom of an area and I got the machine working. I killed 3 little ice creatures. Now, I'm in a room with a clock on the floor, a statue on some tracks, two buttons and two levers. The buttons and levels do nothing. What do I do? I can't seem to figure it out. Please Help!

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If you head down to the bottom where the clock face is, you'll see a small collection of skeletons. Head over to where they are and climb down the ladder. (If I remember correctly there is a ladder there) You'll walk down a coridor and end up in a room full of gears. Go through the room to the other side where you can drop down anothre ladder. Now you'll be standing on a small ledge. I jumped off into the thing on the right side. Indy slid down it safely. Now, look around. See a big block anywhere? I wonder what that big gear next to the block does??





Fear is the path to the darkside.

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