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help with ns_streets


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After I kill the person on the bridge and the bridge blows up, I think that I am supposed to use the Force on some traffic light looking thing. The problem is that I tried pushing and pulling it but it doesnt seem to be doing anthing at all. Could someone please tell me what to do and what is supposed to happen???

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What I do is go to the roof with three glass windows on it and look the way the traffic flows. You'll see a ledge with glowing orange pillars. Jump to it and take out the guys on the garbage hauler. Jump to the hauler and up the lift!

I'll leave the rest in your capable hands. ;)

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There are two bridges that blow (one with a Gran, and a glassed in one with a Weequay).


The one with the Gran just leads to secret areas. You need to go back to the skylight room and go thru the man sized window to drop down to a dark ledge that leads to the oscillating "boat" the three guys were shooting at you from. Jump to the boat like darora7 said and...


Now, the other bridge (glassed in with a Weequay walking) is after you ride the lift that darora7 referred to. If that's the one read the spoiler below. (highlight with your mouse to read it.)



After you cross the glass bridge, destroy the explosive barrel to blow a hole into the room with the electrical stuff. Slash the conduit in the corner to make the pool outside safe. Drop into the pool and pull the sliding bridge below the door out. Use it to jump up to the roof. Kill the weequay up there and then press the switch near the R5 to move a platform below. Jump down to the platform and pull the other platform closer. (You may have to try different spots while pulling.) Jump over to the second platform and from there to the garbage scow. When it starts moving be prepared to use push on the traffic light thing you mentioned whenever the scow stops to stop the scow from going thru the doors at that stop.


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