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Whats the most popular server?


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ive always been wierd, people think im crazy for this but, well, i like to be around lots of people! i cant stand being alone, i luv big cities and such, so ive decided to start in the city Corenet(sp?)...now i just need to know wut server, so im thinking of picking one of the most popular servers, unless there problems like, not being able to log in cuz of server overload and such....SO PLZ REPLY!!!

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well it seems to me your spelling and decicion is correct for somone who likes being around people. Now what server *thinking* GOT IT! you need to go to Startsider that is the most poular server, I myself am going there on Tyrena Corellia. I'll be close to corenet and you could /tell me by somtime tomorrow. I dont know when I'll be on, but my name is Jatari Bazrak.

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