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Did any UK gamers use DVD boxofice to get SWG


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I'm not from the UK/Europe. i Live in the USA. You shouldn't buy stuff from a website without secure lock signs on bottom of screen or ones you don't know much about. DO some research, look for sasite that you have heard of from other people.

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Well i email DVD box office about them not sending me the dam game yet, and they said they will send me the game when they have suficent stock and will email me the day of the games departure. So im gonna give then another week, and if they havent even sent it out by them, they can go straight to hell id illg et it off EBAY.....But the only reason i got it fromdvd boxofice is becasue there are no postage cost and no handlling charges.


Ive heard many tales fromUK gamers who used other sites and had to pay exta cost such as COD charges and many others. butthis is not the case with DVD box office aparently....


TY all..............keep givin me info, i wanna talk 2 sum satisfied costumers.....



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Not trying to alarmy uo but jsut asking mate, aparently for gamestop, you got to pay a COD(cash on delivery) charge with game stop. Just saying if you didnt allready know, ive spoken to a few people and they said that with this charge which they were not told about the game ended up costing them £80.........



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Officially you should have to pay COD charges even if you order from DVD box office, its in their FAQ (Import Charges). It all depends how well the contents of the package are documented when it enters the UK. I imagine if you use the free shipping more often then not it gets away with no COD charges when it enters the country.


I think Gamestop customers always get caught everytime because the package is shipped via UPS, which seem to have a rigorous import policy. When you track your UPS order you will see it enter an import scan phase.


Zenmetsu, are you saying that DVDboxoffice isn't secure? I got a security padlock in my browser when i ordered from them and they displayed and linked to their Veri sign certificate. :confused: Lots of people suggested dvdboxoffice to me when I first ordered saying that they had used it in the past for DVD imports. Looks like they just couldn't handle the massive demand for SWG.


Anyway, I ordered from dvdboxoffice, then cancelled cause it was taking too long and then ordered from gamestop which i got two days after ordering, although it was incredibly pricey (COD 'n all).


tabloidjunky, Hope you work something out soon





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I live in england as well freind, and also guys. Im not a n00b i have preordered games before, i know where to check if they got any copys or not. :D


Heck my orders even been comfirmed, lighten up. Im in a happy mood today for once, these forums are getting greater and greater.


Deffintley NeonVampyre, he's made me laugh today. :p

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Well hi every one

i have decided to give up on dvd box office, they are taking tooo long, and so i will be useing importmadness much more relyable, so yay for me, but this mean i still have got to wait till the end of the mounth to get the game, but it is a grantee i will get it.......YAY

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