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Fun all round on the Official SWG forums!

Neon Vampyre

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Have you seen some of the bugs in the game that people are complaining about? They are horrific! Was never that bad in Beta... wonder whats happened? Apart from the incredible amount of subscribers starting off on day 1... well, technically 2 for most. Heh. :D


Some of the posts annoy me though. Posts about how "I'm levelling too slowly. That sucks" and other such delights...

didn't have to put up with that kind of stupidity in Beta... people understood the tasks that they were asked to do, and the Devs worked damn hard to get the servers as stable as possible. But now? All people can do is complain how they're levelling slowly, their corpses disappearing, and how servers go down! Some are even calling it Beta 4! I wish they'd wake up and realise how much work has gone into this game, and how much the Devs are trying to rectify all problems!


Some of the suggestions of moaning players are funny though... if they had any part in making the game, then it really would have been rubbish! :rofl:


Just out of curiosity though... can anyone here tell me of any PC game, regardless of whether it is online or not, that hasn't needed patches soon after release?

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I don't think ElderScrolls Three: Morrowind did. But thats besides the point your making neon. I agree with you totally on how much people complain. For the most part I think its the people who just picked up the game b/c they heard all the hype about it and obviously not following whats been going on in it. The game isn't about Leveling (exact reason they didn't put levels in) Its about being able to live the experience of Star Wars. If all you care about is getting rich and powerful in this game then I don't think its for you. Head over to AC2 I even have a copy for you (never loaded or played it b/c I was sick of all this exact kinda crap in AC) But I preorder it anyway. So the only thing I have to say about all the people complaining about the tiny stuff is: Suck it up and just deal with it theres nothing YOU can do to fix it. So just sit back and be patient.

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Urge - :p Not really... just thought I'd make a point... :D


Exar - Thats the thing I liked so much when I was playing SWG before it went live! The socialising and role-playing aspects of SWG are what made me love it so much!

That, and at any point I could go off and hunt, and gain more experience, either on my own, or with a friend/group!

If I couldn't be bothered hunting, off I would go to the cantina to play in any bands that had set up there! I made so many friends by simply playing an instrument in a cantina! :)

Yes, there are bugs, and they will be fixed! I just think some of the people on the official boards cannot comprehend this!

You buy a PC game, and it WILL need a patch! (well, for the most part! :p)

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*ReAeR dies from the number of double posts*

Make it stop, and i can't really comment on this as i haven't got the game yet.


But when i read your post that did make me laugh, i too like reading the SWG official forums.


And i must say, there funnier then a british comedy. :p

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*sigh* Just found this post... wont even bother telling you all where...




I understand EXACTLY where the poster is comming from. I keep wondering the same things.




"Don't mean to critize, but why are you playing a MMORPG if you don't like the role-playing and social aspects? Maybe you would be happier playing a single player Star Wars game. Just a thought"




Because of changing content for one thing, a single person game never changes, same thing over and over, never something new. For another, PvP, computer AI is never as exciting as a real player. Though PvP is FUBAR'd in this game. I said in another post, in this game is the only war that can actually be called civil. Just wait for an overt reb or imp to stroll by, other than that... nothing.


I socialize as little as possible in these games, I really don't care to talk to anyone, I just want to play a game.



Erm... why is this FOOL playing SWG then!? Goddammit!!


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Look! Look! I've found a constructive post! And it sounds like such a good idea!! :)



The biggest problem that I have with the game so far, is that in a very important sense, Nothing happens.




Couldn't the spawn populations in cities change from time to time, as in game NPC events occur? Here are some ideas illustrating what I mean.




A local imperial governor decides its time to crack down on the rebels, so for a few days major cities on tattoine are crawling with stormtroopers, and stormtrooper squads spawn more often in the desert.


A galactic circus visits Theed, and for a few days tents are set up outside the city displaying rare animals for sale, or view.


A large Tusken raiders decide to attack Mos Taike.


A speeder truck accident allows a gaint creature to excape in the middle of Coronet City.


A spaceship crash lands outside of town and the wreckage becomes permanent.


A Jawa sandcrawler comes to Bestine selling used technology.


Jabba's sail barge seen parked outside Mos Espa.




Just spawn events, maybe with related missions that gives us a sense that the there actually is a cohesive and changing world of NPCs in the game. The biggest problem I have is that the ONLY thing that changes in cities is the PCs. That same broken down speeder seems perpetually parked outside of bestine. There are great immersive systems like weather, day night, and various faction standings, however the worlds seem, regrettfully static. Think how much more fun it would be to explore different cities, if there were reasons to visit them more than a few times (like the fact that they might change from time to time).


What do you all think? This would be soooo cool! :D

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Because the UK is crap, basically... :(


I've worked it out, and if I pay whilst there are no UK servers, it'll probably cost me less than playing on a UK server! :rolleyes:


As far as I know, in the US, it costs:


1 month - $14.99 = £8.97

3 months - $41.99 = £25.12

6 months - $77.99 = £46.65

12 months - $143.99 = £86.13


Now, I have a feeling that in the UK, its gonna cost somewhere in the region of $21/£12.50(?) for one month in the UK, and so the 3,6 and 12 month plans will also go up...

God, I hope I'm wrong... :mad:

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ahh dude that sucks. Im gonna start off with the 3 month plan and if I like it a lot probably another 3 months and so on. Ya I hope it is ceaper there to, that would suck to pay like $200 a year to play it even though it's probably worth every penny.

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Originally posted by NeonVampyre

You will like it... its just a case of being patient and waiting until the last remaining major bugs are squishyfied! :D


This is *precisely* one of the problems we have in the gaming industry today. (Neon, I'm not directing this at you, by the way. I'm just taking a few minutes to go off on a general rant to anyone who might care to listen, hehe :) .)


There is a big problem in the PC gaming industry today. That problem? People are willing to buy incomplete software packages and even pay a monthly fee for the privilege.


One of the posts above asked for us to name one game that has come out recently that didn't require a patch soon after release. Obviously hyperbole, but point well taken nevertheless. We, as consumers, are allowing companies to get away with too much lately. I won't conjure up an analogy to another industry (like book publishing....I was tempted....) because in the final analysis, focus gets placed on the analogy and its imperfections, rather than the true point of the post. Suffice it to say that there is almost NO other industry in which we, as consumers, would accept an incomplete product with the promise that it would be completed at some indefinite point in the future. [in fact, after several minutes of literally sitting here and thinking about it....slow day at work today....I can honestly say that I can't think of one instance where we would knowingly purchase an incomplete version of the product we actually want.]


PC Games seem to be the exception to that very basic rule in consumer/producer relationships.


I develop software for the U.S. Government. I can tell you, with a certainty, that it is ENTIRELY possible to develop bug-free software! We do it all the time! We HAVE to! Lives are at stake here! Bugs, here, are the exception, not the rule. Somewhere along the line, game producers have managed to convince the consumer population that it is simply impossible to release a bug-free game. Nonsense. They have fed laypeople that line as an excuse for shoddy internal QA practices, or because they have hired incompetent program managers who do not know how to set realistic milestones in the software development lifecycle, or perhaps because they have a Technical Lead who doesn't know the Software Architecture Specification from the Software Requirements Specification. ("They" does not necessarily mean "Sony". I'm using it to refer in general to game publishing houses and/or development houses.)


Will this trend continue? Absolutely. Why? Because people not only keep opening up their bank accounts for an incomplete product, but also because the marketing gurus have made them feel *grateful* for the privilege!


Will this hurt or enhance the market? In my opinion it will hurt the market. After all, you'll only buy so many shoddy cars from <insert name of car company you love to hate here> before you move on to the next company. Yeah, you'll always need a car, but you won't always need a <insert manufacturer name here>.


One thing, and one thing ONLY will turn this trend around: consumers becoming unwilling to spend their hard-earned money on unfinished work. I'm NOT talking about waiting until all expansions are added in, etc. I'm talking about straightforward, old-fashioned, honest-to-goodness BUGS.


If enough consumers start attempting to turn this boat around, then maybe someday we'll reach a point where game developers NO LONGER have two bug lists: "Issues", and "Issues we can live with now and fix later".


I've led many development projects, and I can say from my own experience that as SOON as you create that second list ("issues we can live with..."), it takes on a life of its own. In many ways, it's like putting a big fish into a tank with little fish: it starts to consume the little ones, one by one, until it is satisfied. ...And it's never satisfied.


Software released with bugs belies a management and technical leadership problem. Always has, always will. If the publisher is pushing for release of a buggy product, it's either because management hasn't successfully set expectations at the executive level, or because the technical leadership was incompetent and couldn't make the milestones in time (or they were incompetent while SETTING the milestones, thereby CAUSING management to not be able to set expectations at the executive level properly. ....or because management didn't LISTEN to the technical leadership, or vice versa, yadda yadda yadda, ad nauseum).


Either way it's a problem. And like any other problem in a "free-enterprise" based society, the only thing that will make the problem go away is people closing their pocketbooks to problematic software.


Me? I'm going to wait. I LOVED SWG during beta (as you can see from my posts from back during the beta period). I love it now. But I refuse to be part of the problem.


Don't be part of the problem. Be part of the solution. Don't pay until what you're getting is worth paying for. If you think it already is, then vote with your money. If you think it *isn't*, then do the same thing: Vote with your money.


Eventually, we'll turn this train-wreck-waiting-to-happen-industry around.

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I totally know what you mean Mujahid, but it isn't because I'm willing to wait for the bugs to be squsihyfied...

Its because I know how PC games work, unfortunately...

I wouldn't say that the release of SWG is a disaster, but I would say that it could have started a lot smoother than it did... :rolleyes:


But I'm gonna do what you say Mujahid (I was intending on doing so anyway! :D), and not bother registering the game until ALL major bugs are dead and buried. :)

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