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Starsider full?!


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if i sign up for starsider will i only be able to get in at certain times becuz of all the people? meaning, like, i cant play w/e i want to? if this is true, what is the next most popular server that i should sign up for that i wont have this problem with?

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Right now starsider is having terrible problems. Alas though that is the server I started with and have progressed on made friends ect. so I am sticking with it.


Soon I hope the bugs will get better. For me anyway I am constantly having problems logging in so I would avoid Starsider for now if I was starting out.

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I was on starsider for a lot of time i had made it all the way to pistoleer before i realized all the people in my guild couldnt join cuz of that "full" crap, on full servurs you should be able to mave your character but only once or something like that.

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This game...unlike most ORPGs isn't really driven server specific...any server isn't really an "East-Coast" or "West-Coast" in the world of true broadband.


Sometimes it matters...but right now my main one Eclipse and Starsider are both down...

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I just bought the game and created my first character on starside July 6. I've put in quite a few hours at peak and non-peak times and have had little problems so far. I dont think it's as bad a situation as the previous posts might lead one to believe. Any server should should make a good home to anyone in the end.

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Starsider really isn't "Full." Extremely overcrowded is a much better way to put it.


I've heard creating a charecter is very hit or miss now, and your better off doing so in off peak hours. As to play time, usually your able to get in as long as the server is up, but last night was one of the few times that I have been completely locked out from the server, and I was able to create my charecter on nightmare day 1.


There are alot of great people on Starsider :)

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No actually Starsider was full last night from about 8pm-12am EST, what SOE does is when they are "full" you can't login to the server, it keeps you on connecting to the Galaxy screen. Then when someone logs off it opens up another space for someone else to log in. The server only allows so many people logged on at one time to the server to prevent performance problems. I couldn't get in for three hours last night. I believe me and my guild are going to be leaving Starsider for a newer server that is not over populated.. only bad thing is starting over, but it sucks when you are trying to log on and you can't..so i suppose it evens out

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