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Remote Downloading


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Been trying to find information on this for Jedi Academy and have come up empty handed.


One of the major downfalls of the CTF community and Jedi Outcast in general was the extremely slow pace of downloading maps of a server when joining. CTF servers usually were limited to 3 of the 4 maps that came with the game simply because no one would download the damn custom maps people made. If a server had a custom map on it, and a full game going, the server would clear out when the map came up because of the slow download times and all the turning on and off of autodownloading.


In Unreal Tournament and UT2k3, servers can remote link the maps and files they have from a secondary webserver for faster download speeds. Hence everyone downloads customs at the majority of their bandwidth speed instead of 4 to 12 kbps like in Jedi Outcast.


I think having this little bit of technology built into the game would be a great improvement for Jedi Academy. But I haven't been able to find anywhere if Raven is implimenting something like this. Anyone know?

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It is not jk2 it is the q3 engine.


When allowing clients to dl it has to be capped low or it kills the server.


Custom maps are the bastard child of all quake engine based games.


The various communities make thousands of maps but usually only a few really popular ones (if that) make it on to most servers in the master list.


The sad part is even if you put in your motd "DOWNLOAD MAPS HERE http://WWW.OURMAPS.COM" people still will just disconnect and reconnect later when a base map is running.


I know what you’re talking about in ut23k and yes it would be nice but I’m not sure if it would even be possible in a q3 engine.

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Grrrr. That's one of my pet-peeves about this game. UT had remote downloading as does UT2k3. I can't imagine that with all the damn tinkering Raven's done with the engine that they couldn't incorporate this into it somehow. It's little things like this that can only add to the gameplay. I mean how often have people had a full server going with decent games only for a custom map to come up and kill the server because no one has it and no one's willing to sit there and download it? Little things like this can make a game so much better.

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I agree. The DL time has got to be one of the things I dislike most about JO. I like custom maps myself. If the server is running a custom map, then I would go dl it for sure. It adds spice to the game and keeps it alive. Kudos goes out to those map makers.

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Like unnamed said it's a Q3 thing. The server will only trnasfer back and forth with you in accordance to its g_maxrate cvar. This is a good thing. It would suck for 15 players to get nutty nutty lag just so one guy can download a map.

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

Like unnamed said it's a Q3 thing. The server will only trnasfer back and forth with you in accordance to its g_maxrate cvar. This is a good thing. It would suck for 15 players to get nutty nutty lag just so one guy can download a map.


You obviously are totally missing my point. UT and UT2k3 BOTH employ REMOTE DOWNLOADING. It has NOTHING to do with the server except for a line of code informing the server to redirect said client to download the needed files off of a secondary and SEPERATE web server. The game server itself does NOTHING but wait for the client to confirm that it's recieved the map/mod/whatever from the secondary download server. And even at the set maxrate Q3 games lag to all hell if someone's downloading. It wouldn't take but a day out of Raven's time to code a simple addition to the server binaries to include remote downloading.

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