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I just learned an important lesson in life

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On my other forum im on, i was chatting with a few of my friends and everything was nice, but then my friends logged off. All that was on was a guy im friends with, but we're still getting to know each other (it's like we just became friends). So, i decided to talk to him and we were just fooling around and joking with each other, but then he put this strange avatar on. I looked at it for a while with disappointment, because he usually has cool looking ones. So i said that his new avatar looked kinda corny compared to all of his others and suggested that he changed it. All of the sudden, it was like a different person was talking to me! He began to attack me and threaten me. Being the calm, cool, and collective guy that i am i told him that i was just joking around and that i wont make fun of the avatar again...but that wasnt enough for him! He continued to threaten me and said that i should watch what i say to him and stuff like that. Once again, i played the peacemaker (which i usually play, but i am getting sick and tired of playing it) and said "you know what, i was joking around, but if you took it seriously, im sorry..." So now my "friend" says to me that he'll let me off the hook for now (yeah right), but he still doesnt like ome other things i said about him. Well, if he looked at what i wrote about him, all i do is compliment and praise him. Sometimes i wonder, what did i do to deserve the life i got?


Please read this, because i know it is long but there is a lesson here. Friends are people, most people are wastes of flesh. Therefore, even a friend can backstab you and become your enemy, be wary. While i left this forum, i learned just how pathetic a human can be. (this is not directed at anyone here)

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Was he a friend you met on the internet or you really know him you know outside?


If it's the case(you met him on the forum) I just have to say d'uh!


But if not then he's one bad friend. I mean friends can be mean but you know...not that way. Punch the crap out of him!


Or continue to suck up and back-stab him;) !

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Was he a friend you met on the internet or you really know him you know outside?


If it's the case(you met him on the forum) I just have to say d'uh!


But if not then he's one bad friend. I mean friends can be mean but you know...not that way. Punch the crap out of him!


Or continue to suck up and back-stab him;) !


Yeah i met him on the internet, but its strange because none of my other nline friends hate me...

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You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose...anyway, why you would call anyone a friend that you don't even know yet is beyond me, I never call someone a friend until I get to know them. If anyone'd blow up at me when all I did is say their Avatar is below average compared to their others, I'd most likely just block them and ignore them; getting threatened and being talked to in a rude manner simply isn't worth having someone as a friend. Period.

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