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locked containers, and how to open them


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I thought you could get a can opener made by an artisan?


And are the contents in the containers that valuable? If not and the only way to open them is to seek the services of smugglers, then I'm going to just dump my share of said items :)

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Im a smuggler/pistoleer on Eclipse.. I made 5k in slicing so easy today.. I stood by the bank and marcoed Buying locked containers for 500 credits.. I made 5k XP in slicing in 2 hours it would have been quicker but stupid me left the metal and crafting kit at my house so its kinda hard to open a container with out the lazer knife... So had to run back to the house and then back to the bank in Coronet... I dont recommend u buy containers from the Online Market.. because if u cut the wrong wire the container is destroyed... and u cant tell if its been ****ed with already from the buying screen... I stil have 115k in the bank after doing that.. I want a MED house the back room of my small house is filled with unlocked containers i need SPACE! Send me a mail or tell on eclipse my character is Kismet

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I too found a locked contatiner on a NPC. It was a Spice Fiend or something like that. I am already working my self up to be a smuggler, haven't seen many of those around but it sounded cool. I am sure there will be people wanting to buy some "Spice" sooner or later and locked containers will be popping up here and there.

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It seems like that 500 credits is the standard buying price for unsliced containers. Is this true?


Given that there is typically nothing much of value of the content in them, I think my character would rather sell her share of containers rather than gamble with the whole slicing process :)


I thought for a moment that it would be nice for the dev team to make a fix so that the container owner sees what the slicer sees when it is successfully opened. But the present method seems to more realistic.

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