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What should I do?


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I was able to succesfully run the game with the following specs:


900mhz Athlon

256mb SDRAM

128mb Geforce FX 5200



I am great when Im out of town, but when I hit mos eisley, i get 1-2 fps. I can't really change the processor since the Slot B Athlons only go up to 1ghz and I already have another 256 mb dimm in the mail, as my mobo is limited to 512mb ram... (this is all with the graphic settings set on its highest:D)


In a few days the computer will be a...

900mhz athlon

512mb sdram

128mb Geforce FX 5200



The question is, should I take the final plunge for a DSL connection? or will staying on 56k yield the same results?

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Moving to a DSL connection is not going to change your performance in the city areas, unfortunately. However, you will notice a pretty big difference when you stick that other DIMM in the memory slot.


SWG eats memory like it's going out of style, so the more you have the better off you are.


My rig is:

PIII 600 Mhz

512 Mb SDRAM (non-ecc, non-DDR)

GF 4 TI 4200 64Mb DDR

SB Live

Windows XP Pro


...and I hover at around 5-6 fps in the city areas when there are a lot of people around. On occasion, I'll drop to 1-2, but that's rare. I'm usually fine as long as I leave the advanced features off and set my view distance to minimum.


Your bottleneck right now is your memory. After you upgrade your memory, you'll notice a good amount of difference, but at that point your bottleneck will be your processor (as is the case in my situation). Both you and I are in the situation where our excellent video cards are not really being taken advantage of by our sucky processors, hehe :)


[Edit: I just noticed you said that you have your video settings on highest. One question: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???? hahaha :) Dude, those settings are going to be IMPOSSIBLE for you to run at a playable level, until you get a processor that is at or over 2 Ghz. Probably 2.4. The devs designed the graphics engine to be essentially impossible to play at max settings right now. The engine has built in scalability for when our hardware starts really getting good in another year or two. That extra DIMM is going to do NOTHING for you, if you run your settings at max. If I were you, I'd be playing the game with settings on minimum for now. Your processor isn't much better than mine, hehe :)]

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I buy games to enjoy them. If I wanted to enjoy games with low graphics, I would be playing Yoda Stories right now=D.


Seriously though, when one buys games to enjoy them, putting them on the lowest graphics setting just doesn't do it justice. Its like looking a at a painting but scaling it down because your eyes can't handle it.

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Originally posted by nspeds

I buy games to enjoy them. If I wanted to enjoy games with low graphics, I would be playing Yoda Stories right now=D.


Seriously though, when one buys games to enjoy them, putting them on the lowest graphics setting just doesn't do it justice. Its like looking a at a painting but scaling it down because your eyes can't handle it.


You asked how to increase your system performance, not your enjoyment ;)


If you can "enjoy" a game at 2fps, more power to ya. Personally, I'll take lower graphics and a higher framerate any day of the week.

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