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comerical and gamespot preview


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i dont know if any of u other guys have seen it but ther is a commerical out for kotor now does this mean its on the way to its end. is it finally completed. also gamespot has a new preview out and new movie cant see the movie of my fiddy six k. the cmmerical did show a saber battle and at the end showed bastilla and malak wiff thurr sabers

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If you wanna see lots of lightsabers battles and blocking, the movie's for you (the blocks are just so fluid!)


Anyway, those avoiding spoilers might not want to read paragraph 3 of the preview. It talks about the starting tutorial level.

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I just saw the latest trailer at gamespot... this is crazy, pure madness. The lightsaber combat is freakishly fluid, it shows dual-bladed combat, dual-wielding combat, it shows normal combat, it looks terrific.

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The commercial was on TNN during WWE wrestling.

No I didn't get to see it but I did see the Rogue Squadron commercial on MTV during Doggy Fizzle Televizzle(feels funny typing it). :D


BTW That new gamespot video is the best yet. :eek:

All the doubters can shut their mouths and bow down to Bioware now. :)

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hey burrie i got the program, now how do i use it? I tried doing open then puttign in a link to the streaming video but it said the media type or its location was invalid, so what do i do?


wait..i got it to work for a little but then is starts saying "TTCP: socket connect failed: 10060.

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Blast! Oh well i guess i have to wai for the game to come out and becoem a jedi to see the awsome combat. well thanks for the hlp anyway.


do you know how to fix the error that says HTTP file request was not was not successful...HTTP location parse failed

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