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A n00b question


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Last night I was playing as a scout on Kauri servers. I was running imperial faction missions and finally was able to join up. After I did, I left my home world of Naboo and went straight to Tatooine (just got the travel bug, I guess.) When I got there I went to the imperial recruiter @ mos eisley to pick up some missions, but lo and behold none were available.


Any idea why? I tried several times to see if there were any missions available but there never were. (There were some while I was in Naboo, but none in Mos Eisley.)


2nd Question: Another character on a different planet is an artisan. I stopped playing that character because the crafting station kept failing to boot. Repeatedly. I wasn't already crafting another item or anything (and I wasn't waiting for anything to appear in my inventory either.) I'm a bit confused as to why. Any ideas?




Da n00b

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Okay, as far as the missions, try clicking the refresh button. If that doesn't work, sometimes you have to wait a few minutes for the missions to appear, especially in really corwded places like Mos Eisley that have tons of lag.


As far as crafting. Head to the local Auction and buy a new crafting tool. If that doesn't work, hit Ctrl+H and click the customer support button. Issue a trouble ticket and see what the CSRs can do for you.

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Thanks for the tips. I did use the refresh button but to no avail. Maybe it'll be up by today.


As far as the crafting thing goes... I guess I'll try buying a new one and see what happens.


Thanks again!


Da n00b

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