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Insurance? Cant find.


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I have a question about insurance on RORI. I can't find an insurance terminal there. I have checked the cloning areas and I have died more than 3 times and my gear keeps coming back to my inventory. When I die the screen says un-insured death and Newbie Rules or something along those lines. So, has SWG implemented insurance yet and why haven't I needed it yet? I have almost all LVL 2 scout and almost LVL 3 pistol.

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Originally posted by Akabane

Every time you die or incap, or both I dont know... your incap time goes up.


Dont know if thats already obvious, but being a brawler raiding Tusken Camp many a' times, doing stupid stuff, I noticed this =/


In addition, there is a three incap rule, which kills you if you get incapped three times in a row. Basically, don't be dumb.


As far as the insurance terminals, they are always in or near the cloners. Sometimes you have to go to a special room. Dig around the cloners, the room is a little difficult to find.

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Well I have looked many times and no where to be found. I checked everywhere on Kettmoor/RORI, Namble. I thinks its like the one responce where they havent implimented it yet.


I also have another question? My inventory is starting to get full and i thought you can store items in the bank. I can only put credits in it.

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