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matrix movie demo script


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I recently was looking at old jkii Euro clans such as pG site. As I was browsing this script in german caught my attention. It was a setting for recording demos that things look like the matrix movie. This script seemed to be have created by nutri but it was in german so i coudln't understand its long directions of what to do.


If anyone knows what I'm talking about, can they provide me with a translated copy?



/edit. it is not found on the [pG] clan site. It is rather found on another german clan called Mystic or something.


/edit here it is http://www.mystic-clan.de/scripts/Matrix.cfg

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i got a rough translation for it but its not perfect:


// Matrix effect Script by Nutri/2ise & [pG] MaKeR \\




Before one this Script must with the command "exec script. cfg" starts one devmap xx (z. B ffa_bespin) and then again into the haupmenü. That who set uhhh "wait 3" fixes the time of the "waiting" between the cmdçS, one can choose change this after.




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The first part of the Script is started will should a Vorspul Script around and the place trains long where the Circle.




cl_avidemo 15 = the amount of the closing fps (pictures per second)




demo name = demo name, here you must write always "demo xxxxx" (xxxxx = any name of the demo)




timescale 20 = Vorspulgeschwindigkeit




Wait 1581 = like long it before spool should be to calculate (like one on the value comes, explain I yet) the value in "wait" very easily! If one with 15 fps wants to receive enstspricht 1min = wait 90, 2min = wait 180,.. But if you use once "cl_avidemo 30" or others, also the "wait" value changed is! in "cl_avidemo 30" 1min = wait 180, 2min = 360,.. And in "cl_avidemo 60" 1min is = wait 360.. ! Importantly is looked at has knows receive wants himself simply, that one previously the desired Replay, and from when one.




Timescale 1 = normal speed with which it receives then also.




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The cmdçs are receive looks the second part for that like it later than a Screenshot.




Cg_draw2d! = Hud, Crosshair fades out 0 for the normal view with Hud and crosshair, 1 and Scores.




Cl_freezedemo! = 0 Demoes runs is stopped (recess) normally further, 1 demo for




Cg_thirdperson! = 0 for Ego (1st person) view, 1 for 3d (3rd person) view.




Cg_thrdpersonrange! = Like cg_fov only that one here the Camera of much far way load can, 80 is of the Default appraise. would change it after 81 + around the Camera expanse ways head towards or 79- around more closely ranzuzoomen.




Cg_thirdpersonpithoffset! = Default is 0, this appraise changed the horizontal Camera bearing.




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The third part is divided is stepped then the matrix "effect" itself, in this Script now a completeer 360° Circle 5er.




Cg_thirdpersonangle! = The value for the vertical rotation.




set uhhh "wait 3" cl_avidemo 15; demo name; timescale 20; wait xxx; timescale 1;cl_avidemo 45;cg_draw2d 1;cl_freezedemo 1;cg_thirdperson 1;cg_thirdpersonrange xx; cg_thirdpersonpitchoffset xx; vstr TIME1; set TIME1 "cl_avidemo 45;cg_thirdpersonangle 5; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 10; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 15; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 20; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 25; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 30; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 35; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 40; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangleuhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 120; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 125; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 130; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 135; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 140; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 145; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 150; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 155; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 160; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 165; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 170; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 175; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 180; vstruhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 265; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 270; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 275; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 280; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 285; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 290; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 295; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 300; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 305; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 310; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 315; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 320; vstr uhhh; cg_thirdpersonangle 325; vstr

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