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Today (after patch) I died but didn't "die"


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I had an odd occurance today after the patch. I was running along (not paying attention) and ran smack dab in the middle of a bunch of maulers (that's not odd) and after I died and they killed me I couldn't do anything except hover over my body and look. I tried a couple actions but it said I was dead but never got an option to clone.


Out of furstration I /quit then logged back in and promptly got a clone screen. After selecting "nearest center" I was all the sudden back on my feet and resumed my trek to my harvesters (didn't go to any clone center).


Now I did suffer battle fatagiue and wounds but I never actually got cloned. Anyone else had this issue? Is it a new bug with the patch?

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No, its not a bug. I have not had this happen to me but I know what it is. The death system has kinda been tweaked in this patch untill the next patch comes out to fix to "bug" that was causing problems with deaths before this patch. Its complicated, you should always always look after a new patch comes out on the far right of your login menu to see what has been changed in the newest version:)

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