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Subscription Fee


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I was just wondering on the price. I know the american price will differ to my english price, but i want to get a rough idea.

I know it costs £40, and i can afford that, but i dont want to buy the box then find i cant afford subscription, so how much is subscription fee?


Also, I was just wondering how much you people play on it everyday, because i may only get a chance, say maybe 2 hours a week, then again, i could get 20.





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The subscription fee is 15 $US dollars per month. I'm not from UK but I estimate that you would pay about 7-8 £UK. (if someone can verify). Oh yeah... you would pay some VAT tax also... of about 20% I think.


If you sign up for a longer subscription (3 months to 6 months) you would get it little cheaper.

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