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Yo Jedi


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I'm new to the game. I'm new to the boards. But why are we all wondering how to seek the Jedi arts...and looking around our wonderful homes for hours looking for signs of one or some sort of lead. If a player(s) have already reached the Jedi mark...shouldn't they be using these boards as well? Any Jedi please share your thoughts with us on your profession and how you got there!

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NOBODY is a Jedi, nor will there be one for many months. The biggest mystery is how to open a FS slot, which will be different for everyone. No two Jedi will become Jedi the same way. Even after opening a FS slot, your not guaranteed to become a Jedi due to the fact you will suffer from perma-death unless you reach Jedi Master.

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Originally posted by Mon Cal

jedi cant reveal their powers. If they do (and mind u this is when ur playing) they can be killed by every. They get a TEF, temporary enemy flag, which lasts one hour. Any one can kill them



Anyone can "try" to kill them. Any Jedi would wipe the floor with you if you tried to take him down alone. You would need a pretty big group to even attempt to kill one. The TEF is just a target over your head alerting everyone you are a Jedi. Then they can begin attacking you. Anyway, most people probably would leave the Jedi alone, for their own sake.

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