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What should I do?

Neon Vampyre

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Right. As a lot of you know now, I have debt. I also have a g/f, which kinda relates to this question too!


Is it worth me registering the game now? Or should I wait until the major bugs are all squished?


Now. My g/f is staying over next week, probably for 10 days in total. If I register now, I'll lose at least 10 days of the free month. More, if you consider that I work weekends...


Should I wait, guys? Wait until after the 10 days of my g/f staying over? The withdrawal is really getting to me now... :(

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Well its like this. Do you have time to play or are you going to have to wait until your g/f leaves? if you are not going to play until then just wait. but I will have to tell you are missing out on a lot of fun. I wouldn't wait till all the bugs are out because they are not any problem or destraction that is the major.

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If she's worth it, which I'm assuming she is, then yes, wait man. :)


Don't give up on your real life over this game.

While it is totally worth it (in my mind), don't be tempted by it so much that you actually do it.


There's a big difference in feeling or thinking something, than acting on it. ;)


And what do you mean with the "withdrawal" part?? :confused:

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Sorry about that... I was enjoying SWG sooo much when Sony decided to make SWG finally go live...

The last day of Beta was so sad... I even have my character as a desktop picture, to remind me of the good times we had... :p


I can survive the debt. I can always pay that back! I've no intention of finishing/falling out with my g/f, so I guess I'll have to wait! :(


And don't rub it in Rado! I know its fun already! :mad::p

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