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Permanent Darknesss


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Do they have the "day/night bug" fixed yet? The day before launch, we would log in to the game and whatever the visual game "time" was at the time we logged in was what we were stuck with for our entire session.


All of us /bugged it, of course, but after release I stopped playing (waiting for next month, or the month after).


Are the day/night cycles working properly now?

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What, you mean if it's rotating the simulated hours or not?

Yes, time passes, and has passed ever since I got in this game 1 and ahalf weeks ago.


As i said, an in-game day cycle is about 3 hours in real life.


And, in addition, when it's noon on Naboo, it could be night on Tatooine. :)

How cool is that. :)

When the sun set on Naboo, the suns for Tatooine had been up for about an hour already. :D


I love this game. :D

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