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What I'd like to see in the next expansion.


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This is just my 2 cents worth. I would like to see Cloud City in Bespin, Hoth, and Dagobah for new planets. New species should include Weequay's race and maybe something a little less humanoid like Duggs or Hammerheads people, and as much as I don't like them, Gunguns should be playable as well.


Thanks for hearing me out.

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First, Dev's don't come here. :)


This is the LucasArts Fan Network (LFN) forums for SWGalaxies.


Secondly, Gungans I think will never become playable. :)


Thirdly, Hoth is unlikely to be a planet to enter the game cause there's nothing there, and Dagobah??? Not a chance in hell. :)


Of course, with my luck, after actually saying this, they prolly will do all those things. :D

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Technically once space expansion comes out there is literally nothing to stop you from going anywhere. In the story...no one cares about Dagobah cause there is nothing there (that they know of)


...but who knows how much will be added, we can enjoy it all!

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