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Owning a Droid


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Ok I had this same question on the weekend and someone was nice enough to tell me so I will pass on the info.


If you click on your droid and go to progarm you will see a bunch of commands. Lets say you click on "Follow Me". after you do that you can then type "Follow Me" and the droid will follow you (duh :). If you want to name him you have to type "nameyouwant follow me". If you do this with about 3 or 4 commands your droid will rename itself. I hope this helps you out.


Oh and buy the way make sure you have a backup battery for the droid aswell.

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Okay, I did (with the droid "targeted"


follow me Mandi

follow me Mandi

follow me Mandi

follow me Mandi

follow me Mandi


And I got the droid to follow me. It still doesn't know it's name is "Mandi," and i get a question mark from it when I try to issue it other commands. What gives?

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Hmm this thread is a bit old but:

To name a droid:

Lets say you want to name it "r2"


Click on him>program>follow me

then type "r2 follow"

Click on him>program>stay

then type "r2 stay"

Click on him>program>group

then type "r2 group"

Click on him>program>patrol

then type "r2 patrol"


Of course not using quotes.


I have two R4 droids. One of them is a medic droid, so I can heal wounds whenever he is out. They also can patrol, fight (but they are not good at it unless you have a probe droid), hold items (20 for mine), and be personal crafting stations.

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