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The FINAL FS Slot Discussion


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I've been reading a lot here, and though I should post my own interpretation since some of you clearly misconceptualize the purpose of the game...


If the purpose of this game is to be able to exist in a fantasy, and a person's fantasy is to be a Jedi, and if the developers arbitrarely choose who gets to be one, the game isn't really fulfilling its purpose.


Moreover, in a sense, this game promotes an awful lot of Elitism which I think is detrimental to the casual gamers who come in. For example, the dev's quoted that you would at least have to be playing for a year to unlock the FS slot, then I think it goes past what the casual gamer is willing to do.


Also, the path to a Jedi Master is supposed to be hard. The title "Jedi Master" is supposed to be earned by working hard for it. The FS slot unlocking seems to be more or less by luck and time instead of difficulty.

Hence, at the point in which the FS is unlocked based on luck/random characteristics, then this game is an unrealistic portrayal of the Star Wars universe to begin with.


The least the developers could do was make the Jedi Master status so hard that it would actually deter players from wanting to go down that path. But secondly, if people are WILLING to try hard to gain the title, then at least LET them do that.


Half of you will tell me not to play the game if all you want to do is be a Jedi. But if we can't be a Jedi in the game, then this isn't truly Star Wars to begin with. Since, to its foundation, the basis of the Empire in "Star Wars: Galaxies" was through manipulation of the force, at least the players within the game should have the opportunity to "play with it" too.


I like playing Star Wars: Galaxies, but I have a personal fantasy of being a Jedi, and if Star Wars Galaxies doesn't let me do that, then doesn't that take away from the purpose of it? Fine, maybe some of you want to be dancers/traders, and your out their enjoying yourselves, but different people have different preferences.


Finally, if all of you are as mature has you claim to be, and say that you don't care about the FS slot, you won't take the opportunity to be a Jedi if your FS slot is unlocked. I've been observing a lot of members here saying that they don't care about the FS slot, and I mean a lot of members. So if there are a lot of people like you playing the game right now, then they're should be no problem unlocking the slot for everyone, because 3/4's of the players's will be enjoying their current professions already (if indeed, half of you aren't just BSing).


Some of you should stop zealously supporting the game and purposly ignoring its flaws. Star Wars: Galaxies does have its flaws, and the implementation of the Jedi is one of them, period.

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i agree that being a jedi would be nice ,but han solo has a lot of fans to. it wasnt just the force that made star wars it was the story of a civil war with a small amount of fs people in it .thats what this game is suppoesed to be the galactic civil war :)

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I understand that some people might fill frustrated to know that they probally wont ever be able to become a jedi. But This game really wouldent be fun if everyone could become a jedi master. And about it beeing a thing of luck, I think that fits into the movie a little better. Becuase the jedi were born with these powers, and they had to be trained to use them. So it would only be logical that in some way it be random, and luck to get the FS slot. Jsut like you was born with it. And then you will have to spend Months and months to aquire the skill to actully become a jedi master.


So i am jsut saying i think they did a really good job on this whole FS/Jedi situation.

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I see where you're coming from, and I can agree in some areas but the fact of the matter is, it's an RPG, and in this time period there were only two Jedi. Yoda and Luke. Luke wasn't even a fully trained Jedi. The only Dark Jedi were Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and Mara Jade if you could count her as one. Therefore, in order to stick to the timeline they made it dumb luck to open an FS slot. Allowing FS Slots in the first place isn't sticking to the timeline. I consider us all lucky to get that at least.

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how can you think unlockin the fs slot isnt apart of the timeline? Do you recall that in novels set after the civil war, there were many force sensitive people. That made up skywalkers jedi academy. So becomin force sensitive isnt ruinin the timeline, its just adding to the whole plot. There were always fs ppl, they just hid from empire.

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It all boils down to one thing:


Jedi shouldn't even be in this game.


Wrong time period my friend. Wrong time period.


This isn't a Jedi game, which is one of the reasons why the game has been set in a time when there are virtually no Jedi left.

This is your chance to live in the Star Wars Universe as a casual civilian, or a hardbarked Imperial or Rebel.


Unfortunatly, the Jedi had to be implemented somehow, and this is as good as any system. It will keep the Jedi populace down to a mere minimum.

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Originally posted by nspeds

Star Wars: Galaxies does have its flaws, and the implementation of the Jedi is one of them, period.


Interesting comment seeing as you have no idea HOW the jedi is to be implemented :)


Jan is right ofc, this is a period in the timeline where the Jedi have been hunted to extinction (almost) and so accordingly they should be extremely rare.


The quest to unlock the force slot is the first really desirable end-objective i have ever seen in any mmorpg.

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YOu think there shouldent be any jedi? Sorry but the fact that there will be, makes this game 100 times cooler! Starwars game would not be 1/2 as cool without some kind of jedi in it.

Does not matter. :)

It's still the wrong time period if you want this to be a Jedi game.

That's just a fact. ;)


There will come out a game soon, called Knights of the Old Republic, which will be a Jedi RPG game, but that's not on any scale like SWG though.

It's set in the right time period, with lots of Jedi, and lots of Sith.


Some of you should stop zealously supporting the game and purposly ignoring its flaws. Star Wars: Galaxies does have its flaws, and the implementation of the Jedi is one of them, period.

I agree fully.

There should not be any Jedi in SWG.

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The implementation of the Jedi IS flawed.


At some point, you will have to deviate from the timeline...


Say you go to the Cantina on Mos Eisley and you don't see Han Solo and Chewie there, one could easily just say "That isn't sticking with the time line". Nobody knew so far that the Emporer even had a retreat on Naboo! (Maybe its in the Books, but not the movies).


What I'm trying to say is that Jedi's truly exemplified what Star Wars is. It gives character to just another space universe created by sci-fi minds.


Moreover, proper implementation of Jedi would've yielded better results. What I would have done in this situation is let everybody have the FS Slot, but make the process of become a Jedi 10x more harder than it currently is. 1) That deters players frome even trying to become a Jedi 2) That makes the system a lot more fair an realistic instead of having the developers arbitrarely choose who gets to have the FS Slot.


I'm not playing this game *just* to be a Jedi, but its good to have your options open. I'm sure everyone on this board has the smallest desire to be one too.

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At some point, you will have to deviate from the timeline...


Say you go to the Cantina on Mos Eisley and you don't see Han Solo and Chewie there, one could easily just say "That isn't sticking with the time line".

No, you won't see them there, cause Han and Chewie isn't in the cantina at this time. They went to Alderaan, which wasn't there so they went to Yavin instead after rescueing the princess. But you won't find them there either, cause after they destroyed the Death Star, they had to pack up and leave pretty fast.


Today, in the games timeline, there are no rebel base there anymore, just alot of burnt ground after the Empire bombarded the place.

Nobody knew so far that the Emporer even had a retreat on Naboo! (Maybe its in the Books, but not the movies).

As for the emperors retreat on naboo, this is a very small plot implementation, atleast when you compare it to Jedi.

Even in the books Jedi are extremely rare. You can count the number of Jedi in this period on maybe 1 or 2 hands.

Personally I know of 3-4:


some old lady who renounced her powers because she was tempted by them or something (can't remember the story about her off the head),

and a guy who hid in some kind of star system (which name I can't remember at the moment) after he let people believe he was dead. I think it was the Empress Teta System (a small empire consisting of 7 systems).


As a sideissue:

How about not deleting my posts when all I was doing was defending someone ??

When did this deletion take place? Or more relevant, when did you post your comment?

If it was deleted then it must have been out of line.

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Originally posted by Neversober

How about not deleting my posts when all I was doing was defending someone ??


Try not to go head-to-head with a Mod...you'll lose.


Jan's right also, if you want a pure Jedi-sim, go for KOTOR. You will enjoy that a lot more than trying to be a Jedi in Galaxies...I am holding off on KOTOR though, because Galaxies takes up a lot of my time, and my console's are usually most reserved for sports games...

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In my opinion I think the point that everyone is missing is that no one truely knows what was happening everywhere on all the planets in the Universe. There might have been a society of Jedi hiding out somewhere furthering their training, all we know is that they were near extinct, does not mean they were. To convey that in the game they are simply came up with a "path" to unlocking the FS slot which will consist of various tasks completed by your character, Once your character becomes FS your account is flagged. The point is not to have 400,000 jedi hopefuls running around. The point of this game is to be someone living in the starwars galaxies whom is not a Jedi, and essentially you main character will never be a jedi. Since the game does not have reproduction in the natural sense the game can not have a random person born into the force sensitive bloodline. They choose this way as an alternative to that. the percentage of people born FS is about the same chance as we as player have to unlocking the FS slot. If everyone was given the chance to start out as a person who was FS then you would have 80% or greater people walking around trying to find out how to use the force, and the game might as well be rename jedi knight III RP. The point to this game is to not be a jedi and maybe just maybe someday you may become one. If you play this game thinking how should I play my character to become force sensitive then you are only hurting you game play worrying about something that may never happen. I would personally love a FS slot myself, But I am not worried about it, if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't I am roleplaying my character the way I want to and I am not EXPECTING you open the FS slot if it happens it is just an added bonus to the game, and it has never been said that pomergamers have a more likely chance to be FS then Casual players... Honestly I wish everyone would worry more about having fun and playing their non-FS character and worrying about being FS, people would enjoy the game more...if it bothers you tell yourself you will never become FS and if it happens you'll be suprised. ;)

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on the stuff about jedi being in the game:


yes, the time period is wrong. luke was the "last of the jedi". but i probably wouldnt have gotten the game if their was no jedi in it. but, if jedi were a profession, would anybody not be one? i know i would be. but then again is it fair that some lucky players will unlock their force sensitive slot and become jedis yet others of us are weaker and have no ability to fight them? but then again it gives us something to strive for

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Well, that was alittle confusing, Plague, at the end there, but I got what you meant


sorry i am at work and didn't know i did not complete the sentence.. I corrected ti just for you ;)




but then again is it fair that some lucky players will unlock their force sensitive slot and become jedis yet others of us are weaker and have no ability to fight them? but then again it gives us something to strive for


Jedi can be killed, Maybe not one-on-one but it is possible, I think there is a misconception about the strength of Jedi. No doubt a Jedi knight and Master will tear someone in pieces, but a young Padawan who does not have is force developed is really not much different then anyone else, it just means they feel someone inside them, they detect the force, but using it is another story. Do you honestly think that young anakin in Ep I could have put up a fight againt a Kryat Dragon or One of the Fetts? He would have had no chance in a fight. Not all Jedi are as powerful as a developed Annakin or Luke :wan:

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Once again, I'm not advocating a Jedi sim, I'm just saying that there should be the possibility for someone to become a Jedi, as said on the box. However, the arrangement of the "current possibility" is flawed. Its not fair to have the debs arbitrarely choose the FS Slot openings.

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I do not think it is Flawed... As stated by Devs Everyone as the ability to be force sensitive, though a very slim minority will find out how to open the FS slot. That is completely fair.. if everyone can open it, but a rare series of events opens it and statistically it is a very slim percentage that will actually complete it. It's not like the developers are pulling up a list and saying ooo we like this person or ooo we like that person. It is most likely a very sensitive and strict coding in the game. So they are not saying no one will be a Jedi, They are saying everyone can follow the path to be a Jedi....IF... they unlock the FS slot

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The PROBLEM is trying to attain the unlock of the FS Slot. The implementation would be better if players knew what to do in order to get their FS Slot unlocked. In this case, its like taking a shot in the dark. There is no possible way a person can define goals in this game when perhaps the only way to become FS is by touching a twig in the middle of nowhere on Tattoine.


Like I said, if you want to make the game more realistic, then make it harder for people to become Jedi, and not luck based. That's a clear and simple way of solving the problem.


Once again, I'm not necessarely saying that people should all be Jedi, but that everyone should have an equal opportunity to become one. I don't see how we would be deviating from realism if we just unlocked the FS Slot for everybody, but made the process 10x harder to become a Jedi. Moreover, as I said before, the difficulty can then serve as a check that deters players from going down that path because they would be too frightened by perma death. The standards that the Devs hold us to in regards to the FS Slot are just elitest. I LOVE SW Galaxies and all, but I also have a college education to keep track of. Its unfair to only have that slot open to players who HAVE the time (and money) to search endlessly for it.


I'm sorry if my combat XP aint nearly as high as half of everyone here, but its still not fair just to reward players who have time to look for it. An open FS system + super hard training system would allow casual gamers to try to go down the path of Jedi Training (and fail horribly so they never try aagain. But also, it would keep the balance and rarity of Jedi by 1st, making the process of attaining the title a lot harder/longer, and 2nd because of the 1st, it deters people from actually going down that path. An Open FS system is also better because it lets people get a clear sight of what they're shooting for.


Half the people who have purchased SWG probably haven't, and won't ever visit these message boards. Those people must be complaining too or pondering about the existance of Jedi in the game. In my opinion, SWG shouldn't just be for hardcore gamers because then there wouldn't be enough people to populate the servers and thus no realism. It should also be equal for casual gamers as well.


My last point regarding realism is as follows, in this game, I can't JUMP. In the movies, I see Skywalker etc. jumping everywhere, yeah, geez, so much for realism.:rolleyes:

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Is it certain that it's the amount of time you play before opening an FS slot?

I was under the impression that it was random. So for some people it may be how many hours they log in, or that someone kills the tuscan king or something to that effect?


Either way, I like the idea that I don't know how to unlock the FS slot. It has a added a mystery to the game, and makes me want to try new different things & experiment.


I'm not sure myself if I want to go down the path and try for the Jedi if I ever get the slot opened. If it doesn't open, I don't care. It's a fun game and getting to Master Smuggler is difficult for me as it is anyways.


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The implementation would be better if players knew what to do in order to get their FS Slot unlocked.


In the history of Star Wars have you ever been told or given information on how Luke? Yoda? Annakin became force sensitive other then they were born with it? how did their ancestors become force sensitive?? How did the first person ever force sensitive obtain it? no one knows... so it is realistic to Star wars.




I don't see how we would be deviating from realism if we just unlocked the FS Slot for everybody


not to repeat myself but everyone would be running around a padawan, why not rename it padawan fever, the game with 80% of people striving to be jedi... 6 mos later 50% of all servers now consist of Jedi since all of the padawans forms alliances to help one another achieve there goals to be jedi knights.



I'm sorry if my combat XP aint nearly as high as half of everyone here, but its still not fair just to reward players who have time to look for it.


Has nothing to do with how much combat , artisan, medic xp you have, has to do with your character.



In my opinion, SWG shouldn't just be for hardcore gamers because then there wouldn't be enough people to populate the servers and thus no realism. It should also be equal for casual gamers as well.


It's not, that is you assumption, on rumors that you heard that powergamers because they master skills faster will have the ability to become FS faster.. which you are wrong..


My last point regarding realism is as follows, in this game, I can't JUMP. In the movies, I see Skywalker etc. jumping everywhere, yeah, geez, so much for realism.


There is no Z(i think it is Z) -axis, because... here we go.. Z-axis has too many exploits, those avoiding whining and sniffling about someone finding a way to scale a building and snipe someone, etc etc etc..



Furthermore, I am not going to waste my time and energy any longer responding to your posts on this subject. It is obvious that you have some paranoia that SOE is trying to screw casual players which they are not. This game is a Roleplaying game it is not a power leveling game, it is not a jedi game. It is a game designed to bring people together from all around the world to play in a starwars theme in a star wars world. If you want to waste your time paying for a game that you want to complain that you can't jump and you may never be force sensitive, That is your money. But this game was not intended to have jumping at this point in time( maybe never) and force sensitive is restricted because they want a rare occurance to become FS. You do not have to like it, they are not going to change it that is the way it is. you have your thoughts on how you are bitter because you may never get the chance, and for over 2 years SOE has stated that everyone will be given the chance to be a jedi, but a slim minority will actually unlock the FS slot to become a Jedi. If you bought this game thinking you are going to be a Jedi, you may then again you may not, but you have as much as a chance as winning $100 on a scratch off ticket. May the force be with you... ;)

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I still think opening a FS slot won't be difficult as we all think, but making USE of it will be. What if they end up saying, "To use this FS slot, you must delete your Bounty Hunter."


It'll make a lot of people say, "Screw it."


And just because your Force sensitive...doesn't mean you'll know how to use it, or train enough to be a Jedi.

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