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~[}UbA{]~ recruing


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oh soz k well ~[}UbA{]~ clan utilizes both light and dark forces (Thats what uba means) the name uba was derived from a cheat in the original jedi knight game that gave the player the opertunity to use both light and dark forces we are currently try to get ahold of a linux shell server and we have a forum, chat room, download page, E-mail server Click here to get an email

and we are currently recruiting players and looking for a head skinner and a head modeler + a few new members



Thanx Sematriclen -team leader-






Click her to go to our site!

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this clan is really good cos im a member of ~[}UbA{]~ and they trained me up with blue style sabering and now im heaps better at sabering and sniping because of the leader and co-leader i have become better at my techniques and they have shown me some of the special attacks with the saber styles



~[}ZeXoN{]~ member of ~[}UbA{]~ Clan

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The blue stance really isnt anything that special. If used correctly you can kill a lot of people but red and yellow are by far better because you need to get in about 18 hits with the blue to maybe kill the person while you only need about 5 hits with the red and about 9 with the yellow. These are just approx. numbers but most people don't use blue (ZBOMBER) because it is weak. The special is nice though.


Glad you are a weapons clan. Can't have too many of those.


Also what does "eiago" mean because 2 of you listed that as your location.



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