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Architects, lend me your ear...

Shi Wunu

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I'm considering the purchase of a dwelling and I had a few questions.



1) Terminals: Is there a way to "install" terminals in a home? If so, which ones can be installed? Would it be better off to purchase a shop? Any suggestions?


2) Healing: Do homes/shops provide any type of recuperation? (i.e. healing mind or body)


3) Ownership: Can I give ownership (administrative rights) to another player?


4) Cost: What are the typical costs for each size of homes/shops? Are there any maintenance fees I should plan for?


5) Additional info: Are there any guides or resources that I could read to gain additional info?




Any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.








P.S. Any Architects on Tarquinas, please feel free to leave info regarding pricing/availability. Thank you.

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I can not answer all of your questions but I will answer what i can.


3) Yes under options there is something that gives the ability to add an owner to the location.


4) Cost varies per server and per person, and yes their are maintence fees.

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1: I'm not sure what you mean by terminals.

If you mean a terminal like the one just inside the door of your house that controls different aspect of the house, then I don't know.

If you mean like crafting stations, then yes, you can place them inside. I'm not sure if you can place stations that are taller then the roof of the room (not sure if there even are that tall stations :) ) since I've never seen them.


2: I'm not sure. I'm not home that much. :D


3: Yes. You can assign someone else to have administrative abilities over your house along side you.


4: The typical cost for a small house (1 story house), on Naboo anyway, lays between 8,000 Cr. and 10,000 Cr. For larger houses I'm not sure, but I've heard that a 3 story house might cost you around 60,000 Cr. to purchase.

For upkeeping the house you will have to pay a maintainence fee, or household cost if you will. For a 1 story Naboo residence it will cost you atleast no more than 390 Cr. per day. I'm not sure if that includes any furniture inside the house. I didn't think about that when I figured it out.

To compare, a PA Hall will cost about 3,200 Cr. every day, and that's a large building. ;)


5: Well, SWGalaxies.Net had until recently a very excellent database where you could easily look up anything about SWG with ease. Unfortunatly most of that is currently not up again after an unfortunate hacking activity into one of the LFN Servers.

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Thanks for the quick reply - it's appreciated!



I apologize for being unclear...



The terminals I was referring to were the crafting, mission, banking and Bounty Hunter terminals. Can these be placed in homes or shops?


Regarding maintenance fees; are these payments deducted from my banking account "automatically" or do I need to pay them "manually"?



Thank again!





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