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Does anyone know if there is or if there's going to be a demo of some kind for this game? Frankly, this game sounds like Star Wars minus all the elements that made the movies fun. No space ships, no driveable ground/air vehicles, no lightsaber combat, etc. I'm not gonna risk my money on it until or unless I have a chance to play it first.

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At this present time there is NO demo version and i highly doubt there will be..

As for the space stuff and lightsabers,, the space expansion will be the next thing to come along * he says according to the dev boards *.

Lightsabers can be used already * ok ok so no-one is actualy a jedi yet so there are none around *

As the game is only a few weeks old they are still sorting out things and adding things its still in its infancy stage realy.

If you want to see it being played check out one of the many videos of it there are plenty around to see.

Head on over to.... http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/gallery.jsp there you can see pics, movies , 360 degreee screenshots.


Hope that helps :)

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Thanks anyway, but watching a video of some guy playing it just isn't the same. I know that they've promised big things for SWG, but I don't think I'll risk my money on those promises.


Thanks anyway though.

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