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Don't have the game, but have a few questions


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Well what the hell was THAT? I posted a real post with actual questions, and nothing showed up...weird...


Ok, well, sorry for a repost, but here goes.


As the title suggests, I don't have the game yet, and I'm reluctant to buy it. A $50 price tag plus $15 per month is a fairly pricey game in my book. I have a few questions regarding both gameplay and hardware requirements.


1.) Is the game actually fun? From the reviews I read, it doesn't sound all that exciting. A lot of wandering around, finding the Star Wars equivalent of a cave rat to beat up so that you can gain experience and advance in one of a few fairly dull sounding starting professions. The higher level ones sound interesting, but I'm not sure how much fun it'd be to start off as a space mechanic. Also why would ANYONE want to be an entertainer? And does anyone actually play this class?


2.) Has the Rebel/Imperial conflict really heated up at all, or is it still pretty much a fringe thing?


3.) Will my machine be able to handle the graphics realistically? I'm running the following system:


AMD Athlon XP 1600+

Over 700mb DDR Ram

7200 RPM Ultra ATA hard drives (don't know if this matters)

56K modem


I'd appreciate any feedback and if anyone can give me a sense for what you actually, practically, end up DOING in the game, since it sounds like the large-scale conflict has yet to start and most people are occupying themselves as low-level fighters or craftsmen, which sounds a little boring. I've never played an MMORPG, so I don't know what to expect really, aside from having friends tell me that EverQuest was addictive.

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1) fun? its an mmorpg. sometimes its work, others fun. the game has more replay value than most mmorpgs, with several professions to choose from. yes their are entertianers. i agree with you on why would they want to be one, but hey.


2) not really, its pretty calm for now.


3) what video card? otherwise looks good. 56k modem. if i were you i would forget it until you get dsl/cable at least. between updates and the addiction, your phone will be tied up unless you have a second line, but you still will be prone to lag. i get lag on cable on starsider server occasionally.


What do you do....

you take up a profession, which you probably know, and perfect your skills at it. marksman is the most popular, because you cant play the game without killing stuff, because crafting/surveying/dancing/healing can get extremly redundant. you get money and buy stuff from other players. thats about it.

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So I take it there haven't been any clans, guilds, organizations formed yet? And the gameplay is mostly solitary for the time being? I suppose when the war gets more into swing, things will get interesting, and especially when the Jedi show up.


My video card is a Geforce2 MX 32mb equivalent. It's on-board video on an Nforce1 motherboard, if that tells you anything. It's decent for most things out there, IE: I can play UT2k3's demo with low-ish detail and it still looks good to me. How dumbed down will I have to set the graphics, though? As for the 56K modem, it's on a separate line, but if you're getting considerable lag on a cable modem, I may just wait 'til I get DSL anyway.


I like the idea of being able to craft a character and I took a look at the hybrid professions, which seems interesting to get into, but I'm also wondering how much focus do people put on just leveling, and how much do they focus on actually playing a role IE: playing in character? I'm guessing that, at the initial stages of the game, people just want to level, and that presumably, once they get to a particular point, they may start to play in character (although I'm sure plenty of people will always run around, typing in Haxor and playing the game just to get to the next level for their character).

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