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Three noob questions


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1) I got a locked cont. yesterday. Can I get an NPC to open it for me, can I do it or do I have to find someone (smuggler?) to do it for me? Also, are the contents usually worth whatever it will cost?


2) Do I need to be insuring items now, or are we still on new player exemption?


3) I received Headshot2 as a skill and want to put the command for it in my "F" keys. How do I do this? Is done with one of the macros?



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2) As far as I know the new player exemption is still active. But I never insure items anyway. It costs too much considering how easy it is to loot your corpse.


3) Type Ctrl+A. On the combat tab look for HeadShot 2. Then drag it onto one of the keys.

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1: Only smugglers can open locked containers.

2: Not sure, haven't checked, but as far as I know you don't have to pay for insurance.

3: If you wish to put headshot2 as a hotkey command, press CTRL + A, then go to the Combat section and scroll down till you find the headshot2 command.

Press and hold down the left mouse button while you drag the command up into an available slot for the F# keys.

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