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*Staggers back into view*

Trahern Valley

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Well, it's been months since I last lurked, let alone posted, around here; but now I'm sorta back. Mostly because I heard people are actually playing the game now.


I've heard opinions from both sides of the fence. Far from the fence, these opinions are, yes. Loving it or hating it, and few in between. First sign of a masterpiece, isn't it?


By the time a game is released in the UK, there's already a patch for it on the net and we don't have as much to complain about as the people in the US did because they got to play it before it was fixed. EQ (being my only exp of a MMO game) teaches me that this is an ongoing process, but I think I'm still glad SWG hasn't been released yet over here. I have yet to understand how anyone can release a game where entire professions are still frelled.


Nevertheless, I have the urge to buy the bloody thing right now. Mr. Sensible is telling me to wait for the UK release date, whenever that is, because by then it will be so much better than it is now. At the same time, Mr.SWfan is telling me if I'm stupid enough to buy Galactic Battlegrounds, I'm stupid enough to buy SWG before its as good as it should have been when it was released in the first place.


The struggle continues. Meanwhile, I plan to start as a scout so I can do the tourist thing and see the one thing everyone seems to be happy with: the graphics. I'm happy with my hardware, but something tells me I better get around to upgrading the broadband to that full megabyte...


Looks like being a tourist is a good idea for now, since I want to be a droid engineer when I settle down, and I hear this is currently a frelled profession. So the first thing I look forward to is getting around on a swoop bike, which will hopefully be in the game by the time I'm playing.


Unless I order it online first, in which case I have the time to save the credits for one before they're available...

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