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Hi everyone! I'm at my Uncle's house in Cali. Strange how he has cable internet in some pissant suburb outside of LA, and I can't get any and I'm in the second biggest city in Arizona.


Some quick points:


1. Can anyone point me towards a good USB Joystick around the 30-40 dollar range? I wanna play X-Wing Alliance again.


2. More of you should be in the runoff vote


3. I'm coming back Thursday, the moment I log back into LF on my computer the runoff vote ends. I'll try to finish the awards show writing by the end of the month (Just in time for the anniversery!)


Peace out dawg!

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for a joystick, check out the Logitech Extreme Digital 3D. I own 2 of them. However, make sure it fits your hand well. People w/ small hands find some of the buttons hard to reach. It that is the case, try the Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2, but I like the Logitech better. You should be able to find both for $40.


I've had a Logitech Extreme Digital 3D for about 3 years (maybe more I'm not sure). I love it. I loved it so much I bought myself a second one when I got my new computer. I've used it for everything from space combat, to BF1942. It has 7 buttons + trigger+switch hat. Unless you have Windows XP, you might want to install the software with it. Windows XP doesn't need it, unless you want the extra software features that I found completely useless.


about the awards show...I've always wanted to introduce a show. The kind where you never see the announcer, but he says something like, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome the ________ (insert show name here). And now, your host, _______ (insert host's name)."

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Originally posted by Praetorian

about the awards show...I've always wanted to introduce a show. The kind where you never see the announcer, but he says something like, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome the ________ (insert show name here). And now, your host, _______ (insert host's name)."



And now I see why you never were one. You forgot "to"! "Welome the ______" it's like you're telling the people to welcome the show...that'd be kinda awkward...ok anyway...


*sigh* I need a Joystick, too...dang maybe I'd be half-decent at Combat Flight Sims then!




Then again maybe not...

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I use a Microsoft Sidewinder USB joystick. My only gripe about it is you can't twist it horizontally like some others.


So in the end, I don't really have a recommendation :p:D

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I'm going to be back tommarow, and I'm gonna ask my mom to take me to Comp USA quickly for a Joystick when I'm driven home from the Airport.


Another thing: Me and Sherack tossed around (See: mentioned once) the idea of having another XWA tournament (This time it would actually get done)

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Originally posted by Praetorian

I'm curious...I've never played XWA. Is it kinda like X-wing vs. Tie Fighter?

Very much, but even more fun! It's also got a better campaign and the graphics are so much sweeter! You should definitely get it, it's only 15 bucks MAX now.
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Liked how they allowed you to dock and pick up things and fly the big transports. But I really didn't like the end...flying The Falcon out of the Death Star II...that was a pain, I failed it several times even though I destroyed the generators, so after twenty times of failing in a row I stopped playing.


I use a Gravis Destroyer, $20. It isn't all that too bad but they fall apart fairly quickly, the trigger button is already and I haven't had it for a year...

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