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So, what's a good galaxy to start off in?


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The best galaxy to start in is the milky way, find another game, this one will..in order:


1. thrill you to be in the Star Wars galaxy.

2. Challenge you to form relationships and develop your character.

3. Start you to wonder if you have seen everything in this vast universe

4. help you realize you are playing a game that makes you "wait for a bus for 10 miutes"

5. Let you rebel against the fact that you paid so much for the game and try again to enjoy it.

6. make you quit and realize that this is not the feeling you were expecting from Star Wars... being a nobody in the Star Wars world is like the movies telling the stories from luke's second cousin's point of point of view.

7. motivate you to wait for halif-life 2, doom 3 and a day at the beach.


Enjoy your lives, accept only the best, cheers!


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The best galaxy hands down is Flurry. It is never down, it has the nicest people, and the best guilds out there (may I recommend Silent Knights.) You would be absolutely crazy to now go to Flurry. Oh, and the best part about Flurry is..................... I'm on it.

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