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to get or not to get?


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Hi all,


I have spent about 3 days know looking over reviews and FAQ's ect. and I have come to the conclusion that the reviewers, who either hate it or love, are completly nuts. I would read one review and be ready to go buy the game, then I would read another and loose all of my enthusiasm. So I realize now the only way to decide to get the game is to ask people what it is like to play it, not its technical proplems or anything else just what you do, how long it takes and how it relates to the game world. Before you reply please dont just say "Oh my god I love it", I am looking for a "I started out did this had fun or hated it, then i had to ect...


Also this will be my first MMORPG if I do purchase it so let me know if that should influence my buying it.


One more time please, please do not try and sell me the game and do not to scare be away from it all i would like is your gaming experiance.


Thank you




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"Oh my god I love it", would be my first response. :D


I started playing it about 2 weeks ago. I'm going the way of a fighter towards smuggl .. errrr, merchant and transportation departent, and I'm still doing it.

However, I'm beginning to concider making stuff instead. :)


This game is just great in my opinion.

I've never played a game, a MMORPG at that (only played EQ to be honest and it's a big difference ;) ).


Grafics is great, though taxing on your system, atleast in the cities. That may be cause I have viewing distance set to max. :D


I've never played a game where the animal AI acts, pretty much like an animal. You try to approach an animal, it will raise it's head and watch you. You keep comming towards it, especially if you run at it, it will either run away which they do most of the times, stay still and ignoring you, or come to you to check you out more closely. Or, it will try to chase you off. Some even makes noise to try to scare you off. :) And believe me, when big animals do that it works. :D

They act so real, I had trouble shooting the really cute ones in the beginning, like Gnorts. :D


Simply put, I love this game. And even though some of the things that was supposed to be in the game from start isn't in yet, I still love it. :)

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been playing since day one...umm.. which actually makes it day too because of the launch. some things are annoying, but u have to work with it. at the moment, for some reason the devs saw fit to nerf the advanced probot to be much weaker than the reg probot. well not knowing this i sold my reg and bought an advanced. that is very annoying, but i just logged it with the devs through /bug, even though they already know the bug im sure. this kinda thing u just deal with and move on, hoping that it will be fixed. trade is a little bonked, but usable, and the cities stutter even on a great system unless u have settings set to nill, but that i not fun for me. i like the combat, and the economy is slightly inflated i think because alot of stuff is new (an example of this is that i sold my reg probot for mor that i bought it for). and also in the game right now there r some rich bastards that already own tons of harvestors and factories, as well as large houses and large pa halls (such as plucky ducky on lowca), that can make many the envy of the artisan profession. creature handler is getting nerfed, im a creature handler :S. all this however is worth every dime i spent on the game. like all other mmo's, its about interacting with other real life players, and that is the most fun in this game. i can just sit in the cantina, even though my mind and battle fatigue are healed and just talk to people, its great. u get to know alot of people when u group with them. u make long in game friendships there. what i mentioned above is some stuff that affects my gameplay, but in no way makes the game unfun. i suggest u buy soon, go ahead and get in there and start playing, especially if u r gonna be an artisan, many r already so high in the skill tree it could be tough selling ur products at higher prices. i dont know if this helped or not, nor do i really care, but none the less, i still suggest u buy.

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Well, I hope all these posts will help you make up your mind on getting the game. I know every free minute I have im trying to get in that DAM GAME to play some more... curse you SWG curse you to HELL. It is tooooo muuuccchhh fuuuunnn. :D

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