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You are not healthy to wear this...

Ryre Solos

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This is annoying, because I have no clue what it means, it occurs when I want to equip the last peice of my Chitin armor, the helmet, I have tested this with other parts, bracers, etc, and it continues to happen on the VERY last peice.


I am Twi'lek if these means anything...


Thanks, sorry for two threads. Haha. :(

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I'm not sure about the twilek and helmet issue, but I know that if you have stat damage to the point that you have more armor encumbrance than health/action/mind, it won't let you wear certain pieces of armor. I've also ran into situations where I've been reduced by regular damage (i.e. no black rot) and it wouldn't let me put my armor on.


Of course, if I was getting that messed up I should have had my armor on in the first place...


Ach'leigh Seinnhai

Bria, Talus

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its only saying that becuase each piece of armor has an encumberence stat to it. Careful with helmets, some that are made cheap will have really high encumberence values.


I get this message when I die and go to clone, because of wounds sometimes, the stats will go down.


If stat migration doesnt work, I wouldnt bother. You can still wear the item, it just wont do what its supposed to.


I equiped a weapon that was too high for me, so it didnt do good damage when I used it. I think its the same principal.

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