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Creature Handing Explained!


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It's About Time Someone Answered the Main Questions!


Fisrt your going to need Hunting 4 and Exploration 4. Then you will need an additional 17,500 scouting XP and 5,000 credits to learn the Novice Skill.


Find a creature handler trainer NPC, here are the locations of some:


Tatooine : Mos Entha: 1374, 3262

Talus: Nashal: 4467, 5482

Rori: Restuss: 5133, 5749

Naboo: Kaadara: 5181, 6806


Now that your trained...you need to find some creatures...


I'm based in Tyrena, so I will go out untill I find a lair. I use the TAB key until I find a baby. From 60 meters away, I use /maskscent, which helps keep the creatues calm.


I walk up to the baby...and select TAME from the radial menu.


Note: The baby will always follow the nearest adult.


Make sure you stick with the baby! Stay right on top of it, or else you will fail to tame. If it moves, walk to it. Try to keep 0 meters between you.


Your character will say a few things out loud...




"Don't bite me."



Then, if done right, the message "You tame the creature!" will appear. You will get around 100 XP for taming each creature. Then to teach it commands is similar to droid training.


Select "TRAIN" from the radial menu and select one of the first commands...


If you are just starting you should see the following choices,




"follow me"


Note: Other commands will become available as you progress.


Select one...a question mark should appear over the pets head and in your chat box...type whatever you want the creature to relate to...


Example: I click "Train, Release". Then I say "Shoo"


At first the pet may not understand you, so repeat. You should recieve 100 XP for each command.


Note: Don't even try to name your pet...you won't be able to until you can teach it at least 4 commands. When you start you are only given 3. So buy one of the basic skills for 17,500 XP.



These are commands you will eventually be able to teach your pet...I will list the XP cost next to the name.


Creature Training

I = Stay: 17,500 XP

II = Guard: 30,000 XP

III = Patrol: 50,000 XP

IV = Formations 80,000 XP


Creature Empathy

I = Trick 1: 17,500 XP

II = Trick 2: 30,000 XP

III = Embolden Pets: = 50,000 XP

IV = Enrage Pets: = 70,000 XP


Creature Management

I = Group: 17,500 XP

II = Follow Other: 30,000 XP

III = Friend: 50,000 XP

IV = Transfer: 80,000


Creature Taming

I suggest you do not train in Creature Taming until you learn all the other skills. You are not granted any commands for training...it's just used for reaching Master Creature Handler.




Note: Even though you will not be able to teach new commands until they are bought...you may still give thm to a pre-trained creature. I bought a rancor from a Master Handler...even though I cannot train it anyrhing but Release, Follow Me, and Attack, I can still tell it to do tricks and other tasks it has already learned.


Here are some more links:





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Good advice!


Three questions:


1- Which skill tree should you focus on first? Or should you concentrate on all of them and move up them one at a time?


2- What professions go good with creature handler?


3- Do you need fighting skills (marksman/brawler) to be a sucessful creature handler?



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Yes, you will have to feed them. They need food to grow (basic survival knowledge really :) You don't eat, you die. :D )

If you don't feed them, they won't grow, and they'll get grumpy. And if they get grumpy, they won't listen to you.

And if they get really hungry, they might start to think: "Hmmmm, that little thing holding my chain sure look delicious." :D

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The tricks in creature empathy are VITAL as they are the only things that can heal your pets Mind Pool wounds and damage. Feeding them heals their health and action wounds. (but not dmg)


Also as far as the one tree youd like to master first, it makes sense to get creature management up to 3 as soon as possible, becuase then you can use 2 pets at once, getting twice the xp when hunting with them.


I think also an explaination should explain exactly how Creature Handler XP is handled when hunting.


Whenever something your creature attacks dies, you get creature xp based on the difficulty of the target compared to the difficulty of your creature (it assumes full grown even if a baby). Therefore if you tame a dwarf nuna and run around helping it kill other dwarf nunas you will recieve a fair amount of XP per creature. However if you tame a dewback and run around hunting dwarf nunas, you will get 1 xp per creature. Also, the xp awarded is completely based on the difficulty of target vs difficulty of pet. It doesn't matter how much dmg your pet does to the target. (That is why you see so many CH at the small tusken spawn near Wayfar, they get full creature xp, even though their pet might only does a very small part.)


Also it should be noted that at taming, empathy, and management levels 2 and 4 each give you 2 more stored pets.

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