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I know your tired of hearing this but...

Rodian Crimelor

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Are we going to see a Jedi in the first 8 months? And if not, why? Is it because they aren't finished with the skills yet? These are just rumors, but they seem supported by some Beta guys who said the Jedi the play tested was only designed for looks. Combat and effects, but no skills. Even the Jedi NPCs don't pull they're trickstick out before some basic npc hand to hand. Then, they pull it out, kill you and two of your buddies, then put it away. Of course we know we're not going to live long enough to see someone getting force choked in a fight! Those things kill players dead.


And don't give me the, "We killed one" story, because we all know the various tricks. If it wasn't NPC AI, you'd all be dead, cause a player could swim after you. :)

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there was a fs player character for a brief time. my friend told me what the jedi skill tree looked like because a guy in his PA had his slot opened by some kind of bug. it was taken away but not until he got a ss of the tree...however that doesnt divulge much info on them since the tree itself doesnt show mods. but to those of you skeptical as to whether jedi were implemented at all, be at rest.

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OK guys lets end this here and now:D Imagine that there are no Jedi because most likly you will never see one. The devs did a good job of making us question the existence of Jedi, just like the normal people in the Star Wars Trilogy. And maybe they never finished the Jedi in the first place, i think the idea of player jedi is stupid. In EQ did you ever see a player GOD. No, never. Ans in Star Wars jedi are almost unbeatable, so i hope that people will live with the fact that most, if not all, of us will never see the FS slot, let alone play a Jedi.:cool:

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If you double post, clean it up yourself.

I am not the maid in here.


It's not my job to clean up after you people, I'm here to make sure you do it yourself.


lol, I've said this so many times now, it should be my theme song. :D


I realise the forums acts up these days though.

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That is funny because Boshek just posted that "NO ONE HAS OPENNED A FS SLOT YET AND THEY WON'T FOR A FEW MONTHS."

That post unfoprtunately I do not have the exact post address, but it is under the official site/dev tracker, dated I believe 07/24/2003, He also stated they will make and annoucement when the first person opens up the slot..


So, Obviously your "friends" like to stretch the truth..


Words are cheap, back it up with screen shots....

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