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Wall building


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Guest Ewok14

Not neceseraly true you could blow open the wall with you'r air units and march in with a couple of at-at's and hammer said base

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Guest Khabarakh

Though if you built a shield generator (will we get these?) to block out the aircraft then u base safe till the enemy sends in a whole bunch of bombers to destroy the shield!!;)

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Guest Tie Guy

I think that the shield just inceases the HP of the things insidee, rather than blocking things out. As for walls, i never used them much anyways, i prefer defenses that fight back. :D

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Hmmmm sabotage that sounds good






But don't you think the jedi's will be available only in later "Ages"?

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Guest DarthVader

Those walls are little cover only! u have to build lots of guard towers behing the wall!

But SOME heavy gun can destroy walls in 1 min!!


:atat: explode

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Guest Ewok14

Lucasarts Probably Change stupid things like that anyway how do you know the gard tower won't go down at the same ime?:laughing: explode

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Guest Tie Guy

All teh technology in the universe and the best they can coime up with are walls? :D


Why not have like a shield type wall, rather than concrete or duracrete or whatever. You know, like a light barrier wall. That would be alot cooler.

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