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Commando or BH?


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I want to try the Commando Profession but I see there might be a problem with trying that class because it dosen't seem that anyone is make the weapons for that class. I have not see anyone make Acid Rifles, Flamthrowers or gernades for sale. So i would not be able to go up in skills and not be able to use the special skills that a Commando can do. So is it best to become a BH because atleast there is lots of people going for that and there most likely will be weapons to choose from.

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Well all you have to do is contact a Master Weaponsmith and have him make whatever weap you need. As for Grens you can do the same or I gather alot from aceing Stormtroopers on Battlefields (Glop and Frag). Me I feel like an idiot cause I had mastered Unarmed and dropped it (get vibro knuckles if you want to Master it).


Commando is better for doing battlefields rather than the BH, BH has great tactics but are mainly used for 1-on-1 hunt and take downs. The commando can kick major butt on the battlefield.

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ok I will still try commando and thanks for the advise on the Vibro Knuckles. A friend gave me a one yesterday and I was doing nice damage. I only need 33k points of unarmed combat left and I can Novice Commando. I have Master Marksman already and more than 50% done with Master Scout.

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To bad that you are on different Server. I play on Kettemoor. I will have to travel to Corillia and try killing some Vynok. I was at the Rebel Outpost last night on Rori and the Large Squalls(forget real name its a squall) are slow and take lots of damage but you can get almost 1000k XP per squall. The only problem with them is they instict protect each other.

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Well, they hopefully will have all the fixs by the time I get there. I have all the requirments except for the EXPERINCE. 40k of combat I didnt realize that. SO it will take more time.

I was thinking about going pistoleer also and getting just the Master Pistol tactics to help out for damage or If I go rifleman and will that compliment the Acid Rifel?

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