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model problem


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when ever I try to put a model in my map it always ether a, doesn't work and closes radiant, or b, works (only on fresh pallet), or c,says it had a problem reading it and when I add anything it ends the program. do I need more virtual memmory or something with my computer?


---I have jk2radiant

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ok, I got it and whenever I try to click "misc model" it zooms down to the bottom of the list and I end up clicking on a weapon.


and also, when I try to bsp it says there there was an error in the bsp process or something but it works anyways, does it do that for you?


and lastly wenever I put in lights or even none at all it lights every thing up, to the "just a little to bright" brightness, why?



keep in mind I do like GTK radiant, answer those questions and I'll be just dandi :)

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