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Combos, MOves, Etc.


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So, I just started playing multiplayer and there are a lot of interesting lightsaber moves out there that I had no idea existed. So, I decided to make this new thread asking people how to do basic combos, moves, and what not,a dn some of the complicated stuff too.


I'm especially interested in that move where you swing your lightsaber low to the ground and then spin. It seems to be an instant kill and has really started to annoy me in mulitplay.

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That move you were talking about, it can only be done with yellow and red stance. When someone is behind you press back+attack.:)


The backstab can only be done with blue stance.:)


The combos you wanted, lets start with yellow first.


This swing is called the "fan" move, it makes your charater swing his lightsaber repeatly for a short moment of time. just start with right like this, right left right left. its easier this way.


And now, is what we call "Death From above" or "DFA" for short, done by yellow, aim your crosshair at your enemy and press forward+jump+attack. You'll need a little practice for this.


And now for red


This is the famous 3 swings done by pros. Its better to swing to your right. hold the strafe right key and press and hold attack until after the 2nd swing, press and hold forward.


This is the "Death Strike" or "DS" for short.


You press and hold the attack key and when the saber is low to the ground, press forward+jump amd dun let go off the attack key.




This stance is more diffuclt to learn cos it does very little damage.


One of the blue stance's effective move is the uppercut or the forward lunge.


You press crouch+forward+attack.


And the blue stance "fan" move has the same controls as the yellow fan move.


If you want more, you can visit Kurgan's Outcast Stradgey.:)

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Theres a fun one i learned that you can do in all saber levels i beleive.... un named as far as i know, but you throw you'r lightsaber and when it comes back to you instead of going to you'r hand it spins around you'r body repeatedly until you tell it not to...



all you have to do is throuw you'r lightsaber far out, then strafe and keep clicking attach till it starts spinning then hold primary attack button and it will spin around you and you can do what ever... especially cool when you have the fire skin for you'r saber... :D

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