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Graphics Card Help


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Sorry for posting this if it is annoying to anyone.


This is my first time posting (that has nothing to do with my question but anyway)


I have a nvidia riva tnt2 model64/64 pro, I have updated my drivers and all that good stuff but when i go to play swg I get an error message that says somthing like "directx 9 is having problems with your direct 3d, try restarting your computer if that doesnt work your video card may not support dynamic 3d lighting and shading"


Does this mean I have to go out and buy a brand new graphics card or is there someway to fix this?


I have played other games on this computer mostly Real Time Strats like age of mythology, starcraft, warcraft and the like if that helps at all.... thanx:D

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SWG is a new breed of game. It is very graphics intensive and you will most likely require a new card.


You can try:

1) Delete the game.


2) Update your drivers....again.


3) Reinstall game.


4) FUllscan game and patch in the launchpad


5) Virus check.


6) Scan disk


7) Full system defrag


If that doesn't fix the issue.....off to the PC store.

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Originally posted by Kylerichard

I have a nvidia riva tnt2 model64/64 pro, I have updated my drivers and all that good stuff but when i go to play swg I get an error message that says somthing like "directx 9 is having problems with your direct 3d, try restarting your computer if that doesnt work your video card may not support dynamic 3d lighting and shading"


I had the exact same card (Riva TNT2) in my VPR Matrix PC and it could NOT run SWG. I tried every trick in the book, including all of those suggested by PC experts (back in early July).


After trying all the hint/help from those here and other places, I sent an e-mail to Sony On-line. The nice CSRs at Sony finally replied that the card will not run SWG properly.


In other words, the TNT2 is the best card you can have that will NOT run galaxies. Anything developed after the TNT will work...


Sorry, but you'll have to get a new card :(



I ended up with an Asylum GeForce FX 5600

very nice card for not a lot of cash!

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WOW, do people read the System Requirements? Because the TnT2 cards on not suported. You need to have a system that is 100% DX9 compatible, and even though DX9 is compatible with tnt2, tnt2 does not use any of the DX9 goodies. here is a link from this site that shows the requirrements.




I wish people would do some research before wasting a post.

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You know what i wish, is that if you are annoyed by a post DON'T READ IT, and if the guys question has already been answered, which it has by some more helpful people, then smart mouth comments like your just don't seem to be in order. People come here for help, not all gamers are Tech Geeks, and his graphics card was not listed on your oh so helpful link. and yes there are cards out there that may run this game that are not proven by the game developers, SOE can't test every possible scenario for a computer build.


Good luck Kyle, I hope you can get into a card and start playing at a decent price.




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I was not annoyed at the fact that he posted looking for an answer, I just find that in this world I have seen and still see too many people who are too lazy or what have you, to do some quick research into something. I mean how do people in this world expect to get anywhere if they cant fend for themself. If this is as easy as going to your fav search engine, say google, and typing in a "Star Wars Galaxies System Requirements" then let it be, something like this takes less time and just seems like a more intelligent approach. Posting here you have to wait for an answer (usually pretty quick, but you never know).



Oh and Azuule, dont be a hypocrite. You seem annoyed by my post and you yourself did exactly what you recommened i shouldnt do. You read my post and THEN responded to it.


Somene need to close this post before it gets taken too far. And sorry if i sounded a lil too rude, but I find that some people need to resort to some more constructive things then wasting a post before actually looking something up.

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NOTE: IT ISN'T A Driver Problem:


well if your going to flame please get the fact straight. You do NOT need a dx9 100% functional GPU (Radeon 9000s or GF fX). Those are the only cards which use all directx 9 functions. All other card DO NOT. The problem if the tnt/tn2 series is that they don't support HT&L. (Hardware Transform and Lighting)


PeregrineFalcon, the good news is that there are cheap GPUs that support HT&L and more.


Buy a Geforce 256 or GF 2 (will work, performance will be lacking)

Buy a Geforce Fx 5600 (will work, performance will be ok)


My suggestion is to buy a ti4200 or a radeon 9500 or anything above.


NOT TO FLAME: But the TNT2/Pro stinks anyway... even if it did run the game it wouldn't get more than 5fps in the middle of nowhere.

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LOL these cards are DX9 complient, the ones you listed. Meaning that they have HT&L. By 100% DX9 complient they mean that the card can use DirectX9 and use all of its goodies in a varying degree. Now as you stated the tnt2 does not have HT&L, therefore it is not DX9 compliant EVEN THOUGH dx9 runs with a tnt2 card, the card never touches anything that makes dx9 what it is. Any card that is a GeForce is 100% DX9 compliant. You need to get the facts straight my friend because the Radeon 9000 and GeForce FX are NOT the only DX9 100% compatable cards. However THEY ARE THE only cards that SUPPORT 100% of what DX9 has to offer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahem! I SAID functional, not compatable... Maybe use should read before you type.


Functional meaning they are the only cards which USE all dx9 functions.


BTW: THE TNT2 IS DX9 compatable... IT Will run a normal DX9 based game. The problem is that SWG requires HT&L or VS/PS and the tnt2 cannot use those functions.


What's with this second-hand flaming anyway... especially when for the most part you just repeat what I already typed.

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